New York, I thank you.

Good afternoon, Friday.

I've never been one for dates to remember. Sure I remember my birthday but I'm not one to canonize dates of importance in my life- for instance, on the day my father died I certainly celebrate and remember him in my mind, but my way to heal and get through the pain was to tell myself that it's "just another day". To put so much meaning around it always gave me anxiety, and to treat it (as time went on) as a normal day helped me to feel normal.

But this day is different. It's different for so many of us, and most likely all of us. 

I can't ever forget and will never forget this day, 14 years ago, as I stood and watched so much agony, confusion, and loss all around me. I can't forget what happened in this city. And even though time has passed, it has healed us to a point, but somehow, this day is hard every year.

As I scrolled my Facebook feed this morning, many of my friends felt the same way. And many of them thanked the people who lost their lives while trying to help others. I was particularly moved, as I often am, by the stories of the rescue dogs, who reported for duty and did their jobs in the face of so much uncertainty and death.

Today, I'd like to thank my city, this city that has made me the person I am today.

Today, I thank New York, for all it has given me, for all that it continues to give me, and for what I hope it will always provide for so many others and me who came here to be themselves, succeed, and thrive in the best city in the world. It's a city that has changed tremendously in 14 years, but it is still my favorite place, my happy place, and my every place. 

I thank New York for letting me be a member of the only club I've ever found worth joining. I was not born here, but I am a New Yorker. No matter where I go, I will always belong to you.

I thank New York for always keeping me on my toes. For introducing me to the greatest friends a person could have. For providing the backdrop for falling in love with my wonderful husband. For charmed walks through my Brooklyn neighborhood with my beloved dog. 

I thank New York for putting up with my indecision, my cravings for Chinese food at midnight, and my need to find the perfect thing to wear an hour before an event. 

I thank this city, my city, for providing the ups and downs of a meaningful, well-intentioned life, where sometimes you are down on your luck and then you take a walk up Madison Avenue in the 70s and somehow feel better. 

I thank this city for growing with me, changing with me, and participating in my need to be around people who challenge me and shock me with their sheer force and smarts and style. 

I thank this city for understanding that sometimes the subway can feel a bit too much and that sometimes, I may need to walk or cab or Uber to get there. I appreciate the fact that I may never have to drive again, and I'm so cool with that.

But most of all, I thank this city for healing all of us after that horrible day, when we all felt raw and exposed and tremendously sad. When we passed each other with knowing glances and bowed our heads with respect for those that lost their lives. I thank this city for the millions of memories I have of becoming my true self- from wine soaked conversations after delicious meals to early morning workouts before everyone is awake and I can admire the city coming to life, one of my favorite things in the entire world.

I thank New York for welcoming me home with open arms after 7 years in Miami, and I thank Brooklyn for taking care of me the way it did many years ago when I first moved to the neighborhood I now inhabit. I am your biggest fan.

I thank New York for letting me drop f bombs whenever I need to get my point across and accepting my civilized aggression when people or rodents or flying objects get in my way. Daily life is hard. New York, you get that. And you really get me.

I thank New York and promise to contribute to this magic, crazy, acid trip of a city because New York requires us to be on point, on board, and on the money. And although I may wonder how I can live in such a wild, expensive, humanity soaked place, I will stay true to New York as long as you'll have me. 

So today, as I walk over to the Brooklyn Promenade to share a moment with my fellow New Yorkers and look out on those beams of light across the bridge, I will say a prayer for lives lost but also have tremendous gratitude for this beautiful place that has given me everything I need and more.

Thank you, New York. I love you with all my heart. Forever and ever.

Cause that's what's up this true love kind of Friday in the place that matters most. Yours, in big apples and big love. And no, I'll never forget.  XO

Maven muse: 90s Gwyneth Paltrow

Good afternoon, Wednesday. It's pouring and thundering outside and Khan and I are happy to be inside safe and sound. It's one of those days I'm grateful for a bit of free time. I'm enjoying it immensely.

So Fashion Week is upon us and it's hard not to think about, well, fashion. I occasionally find myself on Gwyneth Paltrow's site for rich suckers, Goop, from time to time, just to torture myself with just how not together I am compared to Gwyneth and her Goopites. Sigh. 

But before there were fancy, overly aspirational to the point of hateful websites, there was just Gwyneth, who for me was at her coolest in the 90s, when she was dating Brad Pitt and hanging out with Winona.

Lately I've been thinking about Iris Apfel a whole lot too, who's really the polar opposite of Gwyneth but so very amazing. Gwyneth is a classic beauty, Iris has made it quite clear she is not. Gwyneth is the quintessential minimalist, while Iris is anything but. Gwyneth chooses accessories with an almost monastic eye, and Iris? Um, no. More is more when it comes to my beloved Iris. So how can I love them both so much? You know what's the best? We don't have to choose and how can be however we feel like being. Genius.

Because 90s Gwyneth epitomizes that brand of effortless American cool that so many of us seek on the regs. I've pulled some of my fav casual Gwyneth looks, though we all know she was so well known for her icons on the red carpet- from the maroon Tom Ford tux to the insanely beautiful pink Ralph Lauren at the Oscars. I didn't want to like her then, but I did. And sometimes, I think I still do. 

And even though Gwyneth plays it very safe, she always looks cool, in a completely different way than Iris but equally confident and at ease. If you look back, it's easy to see these pieces existing right now in your closet- I see so many chic Brooklyn types donning clothes like this every day, and although for more maximalist types, it's a bit of a yawn, for me it's easy dressing that can go anywhere and have cred. 

That's why young Gwyneth is today's muse- the Gwyneth before the kale, the Gwyneth before the overpriced e commerce, the Gwyneth before that infamous conscious uncoupling. I miss the 90s Gwyneth who smoke and drank and dated movies stars vs. rock stars vs. tech stars. Then again, who doesn't miss the 90s who came up during that time? It was so genius when it comes to style, and Gwyneth's place there as a style icon is more than well deserved.

Cause that's what's up this wanting to be maximal but way more minimal kind of Wednesday in New York Citay. Yours, in basic cool.  Are you team Gwyneth or team Iris? Or are you somewhere in between like moi and not really willing to choose?  XO

Maven recommends: Anaak, well designed pieces for la rentrée

Good afternoon, Tuesday. It's hot as could be here in the city and I'm happy to be sitting in my a/c, watching Khan get busy on a Kong toy. Bonne  rentrée for those of you who are back at it today, and bonjour for those who are putting off re-entering work/life for yet another day or week or so. I'm in the latter camp aussi. 

And with Fall supposedly around the corner, girls like us think about the transition not just in terms of how we will cope with less daylight, but how we will cope in terms of switching up our wardrobes.

As someone who watches fashion voraciously, I'm seeing a ton of 70s boho on the scene, with great pieces from Chloe, Ulla Johnson, and everyone in between to take us back to my favorite fashion era. But some of it feels a bit too decadent for every day life, and as we go from the easy breezy days of Summer to the comfortable chill of Fall, we need clothes that still have a carefree vibe, but are more about getting comfy with a new vibe.

For me, too much boho is not the best thing- I love it but find it a bit too "period" and it doesn't necessarily feel fresh. What feels good to me right now is a mashup of minimal and boho- call it miniboho or some other thing, but I like boho pieces that are a bit more spare. You see this look all over Brooklyn- it's not a head to toe boho but maybe a bell shaped shift dress, spare, with Birkenstocks, some simple jewelry, and a fringe bag. Or maybe it's taking a favorite peasant top and pairing it with some well cut jeans or trousers to make it all less head to toe. 

One of my favorite designers to watch who practices the above look is Anaak (images above), hailing from my hometown of Philadelphia (215!!)  and recently discovered on a walk through Bird, a favorite shop in my neighborhood.  The line is created by Marissa Maximo, a fashion industry vet and textile maven inspired by global travel. Her pieces are flattering, cool, and well made. I love the use of fabrics like raw silk twill to give an easy feel to her already relaxed silhouettes. She collaborates with female global artisans to source her collections and the result is cool, chic, and bohemian yet spare. I'm already a fan and can't wait to see what she does next.

So as you're thinking of those perfect pieces to take you there (where there is Summer to Fall), check out Anaak and see what you can source. The site shows stockists and lookbooks- check it out and enjoy. Her clothes are the perfect way to hold on to Summer, while moving quietly into Fall.

Cause that's what's up this miniboho/mashup/not sure what to call it kind of Tuesday in the 212. Yours, in stylish (and sleepy) re-entry. XO

Maven (reluctant) muse: Mia Farrow

Good morning, Thursday. So excited for some down time with the hubs and fur face and good pals this weekend. Have not been out of the city much this Summer and very much looking forward to a little time away.

So last week my hair stylist/very dear friend cut off all of my hair. I had already gone much shorter this Summer but was hoping to get in touch with my inner mullet again and keep the back and top longer and sides shorter.

But sometimes the hair gods (oh, they're real) have other plans and I now have a Mia Farrow pixie and though I don't love it, I'm coming to terms with it because what's a girl to do? 

I've never been one for long hair so it's not a huge deal to me, but i have had to rethink my eyeglass game a bit as well as get used to seeing a lot more of my forehead.  I am not a fan of myself with short bangs- I know this, yet I do it from time to time and always feel like Frankenstein.

However, to keep me from crying over shorn hair, I'm looking at pictures of young Mia, the poster child for that infamous pixie cut from Vidal that was a game changer, and influenced everyone from French New Wavers to modern Hollywood gals like Michelle Williams to go there. 

Here are some photos of young Mia and her delicate self looking every inch the gamine. Pretty fab on her, right? Not so sure about it on me, but the good news is, hair grows. So as we return from the Summer with goals for the Fall, mine will be grow baby grow. I'm keeping it short but not quite so Rosemary's Baby, ya know?  That's why she's my reluctant muse- she's fabulous but not exactly perfect for me.

I want more Stella, less Linda.  This will no doubt be my mantra for the next few months. MORE STELLA, LESS LINDA. And repeat. Say it with me for positive reinforcement.

Cause that's what's up this letting it grow kind of Thursday in the 212. Hope you have a fabulous weekend, and enjoy the last days of Summer. Yours, in the short of it. XO

Maven recommends: The Lululemon Jet Crop will take you here, there, and everywhere.

Good afternoon, Wednesday. It's a lovely day in the neighborhood, but hot as all get out. I'm looking forward to escaping for a bit this weekend and hanging with my Boston crew. They have a new golden retriever puppy so crossing my fingers and toes that Big Daddy Khan behaves himself around the new baby.

So it may seem I'm a bit obsessed with pants of late, and maybe I am. I wrote about jeans the other day but today I just have to share my favorite find of late, the Lululemon Jet Crop comfy pant.  As polarizing a brand as Lulu is, they know a thing or two about pants. And though their yoga pants often are kind of "meh" for me, I do so love when they do that athleisure hybrid thing. They really know how to make a comfy pant, and these are a dream. And they're made from some sort of fabulous sweat wicking fabric, so no need to worry about overheating while you run to your next meeting/airplane/hot date.  And they look way better on than they do in these pictures. They're really amazing in person with that slim boyfriend vibe I'm so into right now.

I love the shorter length and the material- they're soft and comfy yet not at all sloppy. You could wear the black pair with heels and a blazer or cute sweater or with your favorite running shoes and biker jacket for something a bit more sportive. They're totally versatile, and at $98, they're cheaper than fancy jeans and 10 times as comfortable. I don't know about you, but jeans on an airplane almost never work for me, and I'd love to rock these on my next fly in the friendly skies. I'm also not mad at the patterned olive and black snakeskin version. Very cute with all of your basic black tees and tanks. And if you're a minimalist when it comes to packing for a trip (Lord love you), I can see taking two pairs of these and some cute tops and calling it a day. 

These are truly go anywhere pants, and with a bit of free time on my hands, I'm planning on doing just that, and everywhere I can.

Cause that's what's up this sisterhood of the traveling pants kind of Wednesday in Brooklyn. Yours, in cool crops. XO

Link to buy here

A recap of last night's VMAs: I don't want my MTV

Good afternoon, Monday. Looking forward to a quiet long weekend coming up et tu?

So last night were the VMAs- that bastion of moon men and pop stars and hijinks. 

Watching the pre-show, it became very clear that this show was going to be more of a trainwreck than any before it. 

Case in point- Kelly Osbourne. Somebody please remove her from any podium of public speech please. She looks and sounds like a mental patient mixed with Beetlejuice. I just can't with her. I did however love when Taylor Swift walked in with her hot lady posse and Kelly tried to get down with them.   You could just feel Cara Delevigne staring her down, in true "you can't sit with us" standing bitch face. I can't blame her- Kelly is a mess. And why on Earth was she dancing like a total spaz with Nick Jonas during his horrible performance of his new song "Levels"? Awful.  

And speaking of awful, the fashion. THE FASHION.

What in the what was everyone thinking? Was there a memo that circulated listing the dress code as slutty? I can't even begin to comprehend the vulgarity displayed by everyone- it's so disgusting to me that so many women in the pop world feel the need to show everything they have. When Madonna was provocative, it felt fresh. When Chrissy Teigen's junk is hanging out, it's anything but. It's just gross. I'm glad I don't have a daughter. Jesus. What is happening out there with the way beautiful young girls dress? 

Only one I liked was Emily Ratajkowski in Altuzarra, though I truly have no idea why she's famous, though I assume it's for her butt on Instagram? Amiright?

And while we're on gross, let's chat on the Kardashian clan. Kim looked like an oompah lompah. Kourtney went cray on the self tanner, and Kiley looks like she is ready for porn. Balmain and such, but so bad. And Kanye clearly has gone crazy from association with these loons. That speech of his was the most ridiculous stupidity I've seen in ages- and to not even thank MTV shows what a graceless prick he really is. How about a performance Kanye? What about the fans that made you famous? He's such an arse.  And could he not have dressed up a bit? Where were his infamous leather pants?

Besides all of that, I did admire the Beebs' tear shed shortly after he was beamed up and then dropped down, and the A$AP Rocky/21 Pilots performance was sort of interesting I suppose, as was the Weeknd's.  But looking around the room I wondered where the real "big" stars were- Katy Perry, where you at? Rihanna, where you at? Beyonce and Jay, where you at where you at? Just because you're not nominated must mean you don't have to show up and subject yourself to Kanye. They're the lucky ones. 

As for the mistress of ceremonies last night, Miley Cyrus, I've grown tired of her tit talk and her constant reference to weed. We get it, Miley. You like the ganga. You really, really like the ganja. LET IT GO. And her fashion sense is what happens when a hooker smokes ganga laced with PCP and mates with George Clinton. Oh, Miley. You so crazy.

But I'd be remiss in no admiring her "surprise" performance as well as her album dropping as a free download at the end of the show. Nice touch, tits. Nice touch. 

But really the night belonged to Taylor Swift and her girl army- at least she has some poise for Chrissakes- whether she likes to smoke weed is another story (seems that everyone else there does, including Kanye). She cleaned up on the moon men front as she does, and with Karlie Kloss looking on in adoration,  it was all about girl power, and not the kind that Nicki Minaj doles out while her hand remains in what seems to be a permanent position on her crotch. #enoughalready Kudos for starting shit with Miley though, even if it was fake. It was fun to watch, in that super cringeworthy way.

I really don't have more for you than this, because the whole show robbed me of precious time I'll never get back. I miss the great performances where provocative is not just for provocative's sake. The whole thing was just silly and vulgar and trite. Sure I know it's pop music, but really- with all of that fame status can't we come to expect something better? No? Ok. I'll shut up. Maybe I should smoke more weed to enjoy it next time. It seems that helps. Just ask Miley and everyone else.

Cause that's what's up this I don't want my MTV kind of Monday in the 212. Yours, in this is not my MTV (is it anyone's really?)  XO 

Maven recommends: The Josefina girlfriend/boyfriend jean from Seven

Good morning, Thursday. It's going to be all hot again this weekend but right now it's just sublime and perfect outside. I can almost feel Fall in the air and there's talk of whether it's too soon to Pumpkin Spice up your life. I think it is, not before Labor Day. That just seems wrong to me.

So I always like to let you all know when I love something, and I love something that can sometimes be hard to love, a good pair of jeans. And though  it's not hard to love a favorite pair of jeans, it's hard finding that perfect match for your body type and budget. I

Right now, I'm madly in love with the Josefina skinny boyfriend from Seven. The fit is described as "slouchy through the hips and thighs with a shorter, tapered inseam that can be worn cuffed or uncuffed".  I think this jean is part girl and part boy, and that's why I love it. It's feminine in that it shows your lovely lady lumps off, but it's also boyish  and slouchy enough to have that tomboy cred I love even more.

 To keep the boyfriend feeling fresh, I'm digging the new trend of not cuffing them, to give a longer silhouette that is casual and cool as shown on these groovy chicks. These jeans fit really well, have just the right amount of stretch for maximum comfiness and all day wear and are more fitted to give a sexier look than super baggy boyfriends, of which I am also a fan, but liking a more tailored version for Fall. They're not inexpensive at all, mind you. But if you buy one pair of jeans for Fall, you may want to try these out for a spin with your favorite silk shirts and blazers or with anything at all. Love.

Cause that's what's up this blue jean baby of a Thursday in the 212. Yours, in well done denim. XO

Link to buy here.  But do a search on Google because I've seen them deeply discounted all over the world wide webz. They're worth it.

Maven rant: Tasting it first (is the very worst).

Hey peeps happy Wednesday. Halfway there, living on a prayer, blah blah blah.

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you've no doubt noticed I like to keep things generally positive- and talk about the stuff that inspires and pleases me to no end. But if you know me in real life you know I am prone to cynicism and a bit of a bite. I can't help it. In my quest to observe, I find myself hating on people sometimes. More than sometimes. But not all the time...

Because today in midtown I found myself irritated by one of my biggest pet peeves, and that is- why on Earth do chicks have to taste everything?

You no doubt know what I mean- the girl in front of you in the DVF wrap dress  feels the need to taste every soup flavor available while the rest of us poor schmucks wait in line. Perhaps because she has been so busy being #blessed and taking selfies, she has somehow forgotten what tomato soup tastes like, therefore she must take a small plastic cup and taste it. And then proceed to taste all of the soup flavors. While hoards of hungry people wait in line and plot her demise. And later on tonight, after Soul Cycle and before she binge watches Bravo, she's no doubt going to go the fro yo spot and taste every damn flavor they have too. #options. The mind boggles.

It's immensely irritating to me when chicks do this, and I say chicks because I don't know many dudes that do this, unless their chick makes them. What weird compulsion prevents you from settling on one flavor of yogurt or a really classic soup? Examine this ladies, because it may be the reason you can't find your soulmate. Stop tasting everything and pick one for Lord's sake. Life's too short. It's "Eat, Pray, Love" remember? Not "Taste, Pray, Love", ya dig?

To me, I like the idea of not trying something before I eat it. If I'm committed to vanilla, I'm committed to vanilla. If it's French vanilla or Tibetan vanilla I care not- I'm gambling on vanilla and if I don't like it, NBD. Perhaps these girls are simply watching their weight and filling up on sips of soup or spoons of yogurt? I don't know but it's irksome to say the very least. I hate it. And want it to stop. Pick a soup and move on. MOVE ON.  What's the worst thing that could happen? You're disappointed by Chicken Orzo or Dutch Chocolate? Deal with it. Life is hard.

I feel the same way about wine tasting, although this sentiment may not be shared by the rest of you because you're all posh and stuff.

I recently did a photo shoot for a well known wine brand and we were treated to a lovely tasting of their finest offerings. And when I say tasting, I mean a taste. 

After weeks of planning and plotting and crafting, I needed more than a bloody taste. I wanted a whole glass. A whole glass of chardonnay. A whole glass of pinot noir. A whole glass of something, anything. Perhaps two glasses even. But more than a damn taste. Please. I need more. As I looked around at my colleagues, I noticed they were taking their time sipping and swirling, while I basically guzzled and eyed my glass, hoping somehow that magic would prevail and it would be full. No such luck. I hate a taste. Give me the bloody glass.

So much like life, I want more than a taste. And maybe because I'm a girl who knows what I like that I can't be bothered with sampling every flavor in the kitchen. Test drive a car before you buy it? Sure. Try on a gluttonous pair of jeans or shoes before you commit? Yes. Read some reviews before settling on a hotel on Mars? Mos def. But tasting flavors you have eaten your whole life just so you can be a pain in the ass? Nope. Don't.

Just get the soup or the fro yo and keep your shit together. We'll be good. Cause that's what's up this chicken noodle of a Wednesday in the 212. Yours, in making good choices, and not tasting them first.  Ladies, we've come too far for this noise. Stop tasting shit.  "Can I taste the vegetable soup?" No. You can't. Get a life, and don't taste it first. XO

Mind the Gap (as they try to get it right)

Good morning, Monday. The market is all aflutter and it's humid outside and it's the beginning of the work week and all feels, well, a bit unhinged for some reason. Everybody needs to take a bit of a chill pill. It's all going to be ok.

So, I read with interest  this article on  how the Gap's CEO has finally figured out that the key to moving forward with the brand is to make the product better. INSERT HUGE SIGH HERE.ABOUT. TIME.

As someone who's been a super fan of the Gap for years (and then alas not), I am so happy that this is finally getting through to the upper management over there. You can hire cool ad agencies, use cool celebrities, and even use cool designers, but at the end of the very long day- IT SHOULD BE ALL ABOUT THE CLOTHES. If the clothes are not good, there is no brand. I have worked on this brand in the ad capacity and all I can say is you can have the best models, photographers, stylists, and creative directors but if the clothes are bad, you ain't got much. Season after season, the clothes have failed to wow consumers. Regardless of its card carrying status as a great American brand, the brand should first and foremost be about the clothes aka the product.

Because what I used to love about the Gap were the clothes. Sure I loved the ad campaigns of swinging khakis and Kerouac. But what I really plugged into were the clothes. They were great and democratic and wholly American in their casual coolness. I've talked at length about the influence of Sharon Stone wearing that Gap tee with a Vera Wang ball skirt because I'll never forget it- it was an iconic moment for an iconic brand and showed the universal appeal of a simple tee shirt, worn however you wanted- formal or otherwise. 

And as much as forecasters talk about the Gap's need to embrace fast fashion due to huge trend turnarounds and the success of brands like H&M, I find myself disagreeing somewhat. What the Gap did best was transcend fast fashion, even though it was always a part of it largely because of the great price point and its mass appeal. What the Gap did best and can do best again is create great basics we all want to live in, breathe in, and party in. The pieces that go from office to dinner to home to work/life and back again. 

So without further adieu, I think the Gap needs to re-enter our DNA and figure out what makes us tick as consumers and followers and leaders of fashion and style. 

To me, there's some basic archetypes that define women's fashion today (minimalist, geek chic, downtown cool, a bit of boho)- and surely they cross over to menswear as well, which brings me to another point- gender blur is going to figure very heavily in fashion very, very soon. I think clothes that speak to a more gender neutral place are going to be huge, not to mention age neutral. I think Gap's values should be in line with our values as not only fashion lovers, but Americans- in a time of so much change, let's have some clothes that fit us.

Being neutral does not mean being boring by the way- it just means embracing an aesthetic that can be worn by many and owned by each of us, with liberty and justice for all. It's not about normcore at all, it's simply about the new normal and how that plays into our wardrobe choices.

Call it my American optimism, I for one am looking forward to what they do next, because I remember when they were great. New beginnings and starting from scratch are exciting for a brand like the Gap- but maybe take some of where we were and reinvent for where we are. 

Cause that's what's up this brand value of a Monday in the 212. Yours, in basic instincts. What do you think they need to succeed? XO

Throwback Thursday: A penny (loafer) for your thoughts

Good afternoon, Thursday.

Seeing as today is seen as a throwback, I wanted to give a shout out to one of my favorite classic throwback shoes- the humble penny loafer.

I am a big fan of menswear inspired pieces and find they up your cool cred within seconds of wear. I love a classic penny loafer with anything from skirts to skinny jeans to rolled up boyfriends and a biker jacket for the Fall. They are such a great look and thought I'd share some inspiration of the loafer variety this afternoon.

In terms of who makes the best version- Rag and Bone is doing some fabulous versions (love the platform sole), but really you can't go wrong with the classic Bass version, a cost effective way to buy into something timeless.

I know I have written about these before, but it's worth noting again. They're great. You're great. Throwbacks are great. Good? Great.

Cause that's what's up this Throwback Thursday in the 212. Yours, in loafing around. XO