Ze Art of Blexbolex

Ola, Monday. You are here and so am I. I'm feeling a bit of post weekend
lethargy, but checking out these illos by French born, Berlin inhabiting
Blexbolex (try saying that name 10 times fast) made me smile and gave my
inspiration a much needed jump start.These jaunty illos gave me a much
needed boost.

As faithful readers of this blog, you know how much I love illustration,
especially of the figurative flavor. Just adoring his work today- fun and
whimsical and pleasing all around. Hope you have a great and energetic day.
Cause that's what's up this kicky, tongue twister of a Monday in the MIA. XO

Check out the work of Blexbolex and many other cool illustrators on the
cool, cool collective Nobrow's website.
