Worth waking up for...

Good morning, sweet little Monday. I had a lovely birthday weekend filled with gifts, good food, and having my love Khan jump into the ocean for the first time, with great results. He adored it and I adored watching him swim. Was a revelation.

I wish I was feeling insightful today but I'm feeling a litte lackluster in that department- woke up super early again and am thinking about packing for New York and such- as you can imagine, that taps me out. I do want to talk to you all about this crazy, insane Murdoch stuff, but more curious to see what happens Stateside as the merde continues to go down. I kind of can't believe it, can you? Kind of an epic tale of deceit, wouldn't you say? Oh how the mighty shall fall...seems a redundant theme in modern society, or maybe society in general. Everything, and maybe everyone, rises and falls, I suppose.

Anyway, in between cake and swimming and contemplating the toppling of family dynasties,  I happened to catch "Pretty Woman" on TV this weekend. Not sure you've watched it in a while, But Julia's megawatt smile and killer hair and legs sort of pop off the screen. And then Gere, looking his absolute best, being Gere. I love it...but I had to stop and take pause at what is surely one of the best lines of the film, and perhaps of all time...

It's when a sleeping Julia Roberts aka hooker with a heart and stems to match  is awakened by dreamy Gere, who puts a credit card in her hand and says:

'Wake up. It's time to shop".

Seriously? I mean...what more could a girl ask for? Can you imagine your boyfriend/lover/husband/john saying that? Ha. Loved that moment in the film and had to share. It's sort of every girl's dream (or at least girls with a shopping blood lust to match mine) to hear those simple words. If you ever want to wake me up this way, feel free. I'm down. Then again, I'm feeling lucky to merely wake up these days so...

The movie had other classic lines- "big mistake" being one, but that one was simply Hollywood gold.Yea yea I know we don't need men to buy us anything, but still...come on. Live a little, would you? Oh and who doesn't love this dress from the polo match? Best.


And that's what's up this post birthday, I made it another year, so very happy about that kind of Monday in the MIA. I'm awake now. Where's my credit card? XO