White Wednesday

Wednesday, baby. Wednesday.

Let's get to it. I've talked a ton about how much I love white for Spring, almost as much as I like the whole jewel tone thing happening. White feels fresh, new, alive, clean. It's minimal, it's pure, it's chaste yet sexy and youthful. I'm going to say that Hannah McGibbon's flurry of white frocks for Chloe,  Spring 2011 send me. I am particularly obsessed with the white long sleeve number, with the sash and nude ballets, which was spotted in February's Bazaar (which by the way is packed with amazingness).

True this dress is not unlike a glamrous hospital gown, or a chic nursemaid's uniform. I ain't mad at either of those traits. This is the perfect little dress for warm days- I love the body grazing silhouette and the barely to wrist lenght of the sleeves.  And those flats? Absolutely beyond  in that almost not there kind of way. (We all know flip flops in places like Manhattan can be sticky. Literally. These feel almost bare foot, but covered. GENIUS). I would wear this dress to DEATH- love the knee grazing length- pretty, feminine, and breezy. Problem is, I can't be trusted to wear white. For each time I do, I inevitably get schmutz all over myself. You must be a bit careful with that vinaigrette when wearing this dress- but no matter, the risk is worth it. And the other ones shown here are lovely as well. And since I'm all about renewal this year, white suits me perfectly. In Judaism, we wear white during the high holidays (the Jewish New Year) to signify purification, renewal, and a clean slate. Its powerful lack of color is statement enough, and it's brightness can perk up the best of our bad days. (I have seen the way people react when I wear a white shirt- I notice people are friendlier to me when I am doing white vs. when I am doing black. Perhaps it makes us appear more open? More accessible?)

So bring in that white light this Spring, or if you're feeling a bit blah, throw on a white men's shirt for a bit of a boost- added bonus is that white lights up the face. Cause that's what's up this pure as snow Wednesday in the MIA. And as Billy Idol once said, "it's a nice day to start again." XO