When Love Takes a Toll...

Good morning, Wednesday...week is flying by and I am enjoying my time off.
Today have the gym and lunch with friends- this is how the other half lives,

I was going to talk fashion again today- so many amazing things happening in
the land of haute but I can hold my tongue no longer on a subject everyone
is talking about- that New York times wedding announcement of John Partilla
and his bride, Carole Ann Riddell. On the surface, we have two attractive,
grown ups looking every inch the picture perfect icons of marital bliss. But
keep reading and you'll find that these two may have found love, but at the
sacrifice of two sets of spouses and two sets of children.  As someone who observes culture, I'm struggling to find the importance of a piece like this and simply can't. As a wife and human being, I find this piece to be a real insult to married people everywhere. And with kids involved? Nope. Not feeling it.

Listen, I'm all in favor of love and finding your soul mate, even if that is
a painful endeavor. But it seems, well, extremely callous and demeaning to
be in Sunday Styles at the sacrifice of others. Can you imagine being the
dumped spouse of either the bride or groom, reading your Sunday paper and
seeing this announcement? I find it so insensitive and fucked up. And I find
it really irresponsible of the New York Times as well, to publicize this
union. And if they were going to go "there", they should have at least
interviewed the dumped other halves- if controversy was what they were
courting. Yes it's the eve of 2011 and we are way comfy with Cupid being a
bit of a freak, but we already have enough scandal- let's leave that to the
tabloids and not the bloody Times. Are we really celebrating adultery now? I
am all for love, believe me. But in this case, maybe shouting out from the
rooftops and the Times was ill advised. And this stuff happens all the time,
just not sure I want to read about it this way. A reality show? Perhaps.

I guess love will blind you sometimes and not allow to see if you're being
cruel to others- the groom apparently realized the shit storm this piece
caused and said they would have not done it if they knew the outcry it would
cause. Why draw so much attention to such an uncomfortable situation? I
wish the Times would have taken off their wedding goggles for this one, it
just didn't sit well with me. I am all for unconventional, happy endings,
but not when emotional genocide is left in its wake. Can we just go back to
the rich and accomplished and thin in this section? At least it's shallow
for shallow's sake, and not downwright cruel. Maybe I'm overthinking now
that I have all this time on my mitts, but really??? OK I'm done.

Cause that's what's up this happily wedded Wednesday in the MIA. Peace on
Earth. XO