
Hiya, Wednesday. This morning is brought to you by Dunkin Donuts, purveyor of the very fine latte light. I love you Dunkin, I do I do I do.

So I'm a bit soft in the head today- have been working a lot and whenever my brain keeps me up at night thinking and thinking some more, I know it's time to think about where the next vacation should be. I'm not saying I'm going on one, I'm just saying planting the thought helps me get by. If I had my way, i would lay on my bed today and stare at a map until some distant clime reveals itself as my next "let's go". My hippie soul is telling me to jet- for now it will just have to be in my imagination, which will ultimately lead to a flight somewhere not here. If you are feeling stuck today, imagine yourself somewhere you have always wanted to go, and then you can somehow deal a bit more the here and now. It helps me, anyway. That and Dunkin. And Alexander Wang tee shirts. And good perfume. And maybe some De La Soul. It's really that simple.

Cause that's what's up this next year I'll be someplace kind of Wednesday in the MIA. Safe travels. XO