This is Paris right NOW...

Bonjour! I am in the 12th, the Bercy. This is Paris, peeps. The fun is in the discovery...not the tried and true...the monuments are amazing but what's infinitely cooler are the neighborhoods you discover in the drizzle... We came to see everything I painstakingly researched in every book and website. But I say to hell with looking for the usual...I want the real Paris. And I am getting Miles Davis plays and the schoolchildren chirp in the background. Screw the tourists. This is what I have dreamt of... Paris is everything and nothing you'd expect- much like love. It is one city by day and another by night. It is confusing yet revealing. It is posh yet peasanty. It will have you doing things you would never do (as in eating steak tartare when one is primarily a vegetarian). Everything looks and tastes better here. Much like love, you need to unwrap the layers to discover its truth. And I have always loved the truth. Its really about living and doing it with utter grace. I promise to get to some fashion soon. Its tough to find free wifi but I hope to find it again as I stumble around Paris fresh with Cupid's wounds. I love this city...that is all. (and I stumble not just with love but because my feet are a disaster. If you come here, it's all about your shoes. Choose wisely...) And that's what's haut this gorgeously dreary Thursday in lovely, sexy Paris. XO