The Importance of saying Good Morning

Hi y'all. It's Tuesday. And you should all say good morning to everyone in
your path today and here's why:

I work in an office where people say good morning to each other. I love this
about my office. It starts with the front door, where we are all greeted by
an amazing woman who says good morning to each and every one of us. It's a
nice thing to do and a great way to start the day. Regardless of what's
happening in your over zealous or multitasking brain, take a moment to say
good morning to people in your trajectory- whether a coworker or Starbucks
employee or maintenance man. It sort of sets the tone for the day-so why not
spread around some warmth and good vibes before the coffee kicks in?

Makes sense to me. I know I need some warmth and good vibes in my life. (And
so do you, PS). Of this, I am certain.

And if you say "good morning" to enough people (and mean it), maybe it will
actually be so. After all, today may very well be THE day, so why not start
off wishing it and everyone well? That is all, and a very good morning to
each and every one.