Thanks for Asking...

Hiya, it's Friday and I am ready. Ready to answer your questions, so bring them on, would you? Luckily I got some bites for advice and suggestions, so I welcome you to my inaugural post of "Thanks for Asking"- a column to answer your must puzzling questions about anything- products, fashion, style, work, love, food, you name it and I will try and answer the best I can. Let's start off with a simple one, shall we?

Here is a question that came in about self tanners, which seems appropriate now that limbs are fully out for the world to see as the temperature rises. I'm not sure there's anything worse than being pasty in the summer, but I am aware that laying in the sun is not really an option for those trying to protect their skin, so self tanners are beyond a great option. So here goes:

"What are the best self tanners out now both low and high end?"

Glad  this was a question because I happen to know a thing or two about this...

Let's be honest- no self tanner is fool proof. They all can get streaky and freaky, but some are simply easier and better than others. Personally, I have had more of a problem with their scent, which can often smell like corn chips and sweat, not cute- especially in the heat. My favorite pick for a more high end tanner is one from Bliss- it's a spray and amazingly easier to apply- it goes on dark which can be scary but all you do is rub it in for a more streak free application. What I love about it more than anything is its scent- amazingly delicious and does not leave you smellling like a Frito. You have to love that. Oh and it gives you a really nice dark color- if you are the type that likes to have more than a subtle tan- this one leaves you looking like a week in Jamaica dark. And it dries almost instantly, which is fantastic for girls on the go. At $36, it's not cheap, but it really is great. It's available online on Amazon ($30 there), Macy's, Bloomingdale's as well as Bliss's own site.

I also think the Clarins products are good for a high end choice- the mousse is particularly lovely and doesn't streak. But its scent leaves a bit to be desired- although it's more moisturizing than a spray, I still prefer the Bliss product, but this one is great for a creamier option. I would say the bronze level on this one is more three days in the Hamptons than a week in Jamaica, so if you like a more subtle tone, this one is great. What's also a bonus is that it provides SPF and anti-aging moisturizer along with its tan offering, so it's a nice multitasker.  It dries fairly quickly but wait a few before getting dressed. It's $42, also not cheap but saves you from having to buy moisturizer, so there you go. It's available at all major department stores where Clarins is sold and Sephora.


On the low end, I favor the L'Oreal Sublime Bronze cream. It gives you a fantastic, even tan and it's cheap as all get out. But again, the scent kills me a bit. I like to use it to supplement the more expensive products above- it may take a bit longer to dry but it's a very nice option for gals on a budget. It's at all your local drugstores, and Target has it on their site for $8.49. Can't beat that- overall this is the best tan for the buck- not super stinky and a great buy. Available at all major drugstores everywhere. Don't buy the spray PS, not as good in this line for some reason.

Hope that's helpful. Men, chime in with your questions too at I'm more than happy to answer, and would be ever so glad you asked. Cause that's what's up this bronzed Friday in the MIA. Happy Easter and enjoy your weekend! XO