Stupidity, thy name is Kardashian

Good morning, Tuesday...the gym in my hotel totes sucks so I'm feeling my lack of workout and it's no bueno. Since I'm cranky anyway, I'd like to discuss the object of most of my scorn- Kim Kardashian.

Yea, I know you find the nonsense of this family entertaining, but I find them, and espcially Kim, to be vulgar and beyond disgusting. I joke about it of course, but this tacky family actually makes me ill. They all seem so stupid, so vapid, and so useless- and I despise the way Kim looks, especially- how she became a fashion icon I will never know, but her upscale Bebe combinations are more in tune with South Beach/Vegas than the runways of New York and Paris. And it appears her makeup is put on with a spackle brush- oh and did I mention I think she's a rollicking whore? Ah. Forgot that part.

You've no doubt read about the news of her divorce (while the world weeps, uch) from her equally dumb husband, Kris Humphries. They had an over the top million dollar wedding, and in the process, pocketed 18 million from it. I remember seeing her engagement ring and thinking- wow. This seems so appropriate to wear a ring like that when so many people don't have jobs and are worried about feeding their families. Had she any sense, she would take a portion of that 65 million they pocketed last year (yup, that's what they're worth y'all) and help some people.

That's my biggest issue anyway- regardless of how tired I am of seeing her fat ass everywhere. If Wall Street is being occupied, I think Hollywood Boulevard should be positively shut down. It's a disgrace how much people in entertainment pocket- think ABOUT IT- the Kardashians have zero talent. ZERO. And somehow because they are reality TV icons they make more money than people who actually work for a living. The entertainment industry is completely out of control- though I love movies and TV, it's kind of insane that there is no cap on what they can make- they should really be required to give a portion of their money to help the world.

The fact that this worthless, new money family buys Bentleys and Rolls Royces like candy is a slap in the face to what's going on these days- and what makes me more sad is that young girls are watching their escapades and wondering how they can get in on this nonsense- if I had a daughter,I would pray to the sweet Lord that she doesn't turn into some bandage dress zombie. This is a family that makes no apologies for their disgusting behavior- and Kim apparently got angry at her dumb husband because he got a Hollywood agent- ain't that the pot calling the kettle, though? How else could one survive in that shameless family without an agent?

PS that whole bloody wedding was a scam to make money...more reason to hate on Kim. I've had enough of reality and simply want people to get REAL. Can the Kardashians secede from the union and have their own country? I don't want them here anymore. Then again, that may make great TV...I for one am tired of keeping up with the Kardashians and just want them to go away.

Sorry for my rant...I just hate Kim and them and this insanity we live with. That's what's up this famous for nothing but an ass and a sex tape kind of Tuesday. All the love. XO