Sometimes You Just Need to Hippie Out (OK sometimes I just need to hippie out...)


Good morning, Thursday. One more day till the weekend peeps.

Today has me in Dead mode. Every once in a while,  I crave a little Grateful Dead. I can't help it- I've since moved on from being a hippie but on sunny, breezy days my mind wanders to that era of my life, which was stellar, hilarious, wild, and inspiring. Today has me yearning for Northern California, maybe around Big Sur, jamming out to a little "Franklin's Tower", Sierra Nevada in hand. I know some of you find the Dead horrendous-  I ain't mad atcha. I know they're not for everyone, but believe me I had some fun times going to shows, letting my hair grow long as them thar hills, and rocking hippie dresses with a big grin on my face. As someone who has never been much of a joiner, I found the experience of going to shows and being a part of that community (it's been said the Dead were early adopters of social networking, how true that is) and just being outside, listening to some tunes, and getting a wee bit off it...judge if you must, but if you weren't there, well then you just don't know.

As  I sit here knackered from this thing called life, I'd love to get my limbs over to the general vacinity of Big Sur and just breathe the air and gaze at the gorgeous. It's so beautiful and find that whole part of Northern Cali to be magic...the promised land, if you will, take me now. G-ddamn I need a road trip. Preferably one with a jagged coastline.

Cause that's what's up, and all I got today in the 305,  as I roll away the dew. You 'heads know what I mean.

My love is real not fade away...XO.