Sometimes, We All Need a Guidebook...

Hi, Friday. Yes, it's April Fool's Day and I could very well prank you all with a fashion trend that makes no sense, fake news of the cobra escaping yet again to be the star of the next creepy Skittles campaign, or talk of today being National Fart in Front of Your Boss day. But I'm not going to do that, because I have SERIOUS business to discuss. And this business goes by the name of a little book called "Parisian Chic"  by none other than style stateswoman Ines De La Fressange (pictured here looking beyond and on right side with Roger Vivier, shoe genius) and her most likely equally stylish daughter. Ines is no joke, mes amies- she was once the face of Chanel, and even was honored with The Legion D'Honneur in France, an award created by none other than Napoleon. (Don't you just love the French? Awarding people the highest honors of their country for simply being fabulous? It's amazing). Needless to say, fashion is serious business in France, especially when it comes to the basics. I do believe the French see doing well by dressing good, ne'st pas? (I can assure you with intrepid certainty that Ms. de la Fressange has absolutely never featured a fly by night fashion trend on her slender limbs, eaten a skittle or any other kind of mass produced junk foor, or farted in front of her boss, who I believe used to be Karl Lagerfeld, for that matter).


So Ms. Fressange in all of her infiinite fashion and style wisdom shares les bon mots of French style...and trust me, this is not a book you don't want to own, in fact, you need to buy this one, kiddos. I myself just preordered a copy (thanks to my beautiful friend Mary Healy for sending me the link about it) and can't wait to feel inadequate when viewing wafer thin French women, chicly clad in all matters of flats, trenches, and striped tees. I am encouraged by the hair length featured- though Ms. Fressange and I do not mingle in the same circles, we are fans of a non fussy haircut, always above the shoulders. Of this I know.

And on that note, I take my leave of all of you sexy people out there and begin my weekend. But on this April Fool's Day remember this- if you don't at least peek at this book for some tips on effortless fabulosity, the joke will surely be on you. And that, my friends, is what's up this Francophilia filled and effortlessy fantastic Friday in the MIA. XO

Here's the link to buy the book:,160037834X,2012356249