Snow day. Who wants to go shoe shopping?

Good afternoon, everyone. Well maybe it didn't bury us or defeat us or leave us without power, but it did snow, a significant amount- enough to make walking Khan not a total shitshow but still be a lovely snowy experience.  Maybe DiBlasio panicked, maybe I don't care that he did. Our neighbor remarked on the mayoral overthinking by stating that as New Yorkers "we don't like to be undelivered. That's not the New York way". Alright then. I for one am happy we are not under two feet of snow, many others to our North are, and to them I say enjoy the snow day for real. I'm enjoying it here as well, though full on working from home. Remember the days when working from home was not possible? Yea, me neither. But screw fake snow days, let's shop. Because baby needs a new pair of shoes.

I'm on the market for a pair of heels. Yes, I know, not terribly interesting but the truth is, I don't wear high heels very often because I'm not that kind of girl. I like my flats, my kittens, my platform sneakers. But high heels? Meh. I always thought that as a New Yorker (and moreover a human being), being able to run when one needs to is more important than clicking along the sidewalk in high heels. It's also a matter of comfort, because unfortunately, high heels REALLY hurt. Just ask my husband, because they hurt him as well. One time I had the ridiculous idea to wear them to a gallery walk in Miami and complained every step of the way. Literally. I guess good art is not worth suffering for.  Unlike Carrie Bradshaw, I've never been gaga for Manolos, cuckoo for Choo, or loco for Louboutins. I'n the type who goes wacky for handbags and cool sneakers and a good flat sandal, or even a great boot. But high heels?  After all these years of being a woman, I'm still very much a neophyte. 

So I'm asking those of you out there who like to tower and teeter in beautiful heels to help me- what are the best ones to wear that won't completely kill my feet? I need a classic black pump- higher than a kitten but maybe not a full on stiletto. It's time I grow up and wear a pair of lady shoes already. I'll always pack a pair of flats but feeling the need to elevate my shoe game, and since my husband is a long drink of water, I never have to worry about towering over here, and it might be nice to get a little closer to him and not feel like such a little shrimp. If any of you are high heel gals and have any suggestions, I'm open. I need to get through my heel phobia and though I will never wear them every day, I do want to learn to love them just a little bit more. You know my style- don't be showing me any "comfort" shoes because I still want them to be very chic and sexy. Sure, I need another pair of shoes like I need to watch another episode of Bravo programming, but please humor me. I want me some high heels. Hard to believe, but my shoe game is sorely lacking in height.

What say you? What are your favorite brands for good basic pumps or heels? Do let me know and I'll heed your advice. Cause that's what's up this currently barefoot Tuesday in the 718. Yours, in snow day shoe shopping.  Game on. XO