Sex and the City: Two Key Pieces

Hiya, Monday. I saw "SATC" this weekend. Not here to review the movie, but
wanted to share my fav accessories from it.

Don't you love how Patty Field always gives us one or two pieces in the show
or in the film that are must haves and will be knocked off so all of us can
channel La Bradshaw? Ms. Field has a great sense for what can become mass.
In this film I was loving Carrie's sunglasses in the first scene, but what
really caught my eye were the two necklaces shown here- the clover and the
crescent moon. I would rock either one of those suckers. Here they are as
knockoffs, the clover from Patricia Field's website
( and the crescent moon (the original was found in
Turkey by Patricia Field) being reproduced by a designer on Etsy called
Bouvier Jewelry. (

I really like both pieces and the clover is pricing in at under $100 (not
sure on the Etsy piece as it sold out quickly and is being redone).

But what of that honking black diamond ring in the film, though? You're on
your own to beg for that amazing. I think I will have to settle for
a crescent moon or a clover, though- maybe the clover will bring me luck so
I can get my mitts on a black diamond one day. Sigh.

And that's what's up this Sexy Monday in Miami. XO