Seeing Red

Hi, Thursday...I woke up early and got a lot done today and feeling like the lull of creativity is reaching more of a's still faint but it's there. Thanks to whatever power put it back. I so needed it. Needless to say, I am watching said mojo cautiously in the days to come.

And since I made analogies to my closet, I'm thinking a red dress could be the perfect way to remove some of the clutter and start fresh. I have always had an odd relationship with the color red- I can't say it's my favorite but I'm drawn to it. It may just be that real red does not look so super fabulous against my skin, though I have often done red lipstick, nails, and shoes to supplement the rather staid color palette of my wardrobe. I am also not opposed to red accents in the home and do dig that bordello look that red lends to a bedroom. Moving on. There's a point here somewhere, so bear with me.

I was wishing my old intern a happy birthday this week and asked what she wore to her celebration. )A note about this intern: this girl is a fashionista beyond belief- she loves clothes more than me which is truly a revelation. Clearly they had us in mind when they matched us up...) She told me she wore a red dress, which I thought was fantastic- red is a color of confidence, of warmth, of sexiness. In my current state of creative/career/fashion flux, I think I could learn a thing or two from my intern. I want to buy a red dress, as counter as it is to my usual choices.

And cruising around DKNY's site the other day (as is my wont), I saw this little number, which I thought was lovely. The picture is not so fabulous, but I have vision, you see. I could live without the red shoes featured here too, but the dress is damn cute. I would probably rock mine with flat skimpy sandals, or a high heel is fine but definitely not of the red variety, mine would probably run more in the neutral family. Maybe I need some red in my life to spice things up a bit- a lady in a red dress is a force to be reckoned with, this I know. So I may summon my inner siren and go for this...why not, right?

Cause that's what's up this crimson Thursday in the MIA. XO