Screw spirituality. Let's shop.

Hey, Wednesday...I like the cut of your hump.

So you all must be horribly sick of my pontificating for clean living and
spiritual awakenings. Today I'm bringing it all back to my favorite form of
edification, shopping.

This necklace should do the trick. On Etsy for $75. Very, very Marni inspired
with some kooky 70s art teacher in Berkeley happening in a large, albeit
super chic way. I dig. Go forth and shop. I implore you. I had to put down
my brown rice and come back to reality, so you should too.

(Etsy should come with a warning from your bank and your boss: you could do
some serious damage there, with both money and hours spent.)

And that's what's up this shoparific Wednesday in the good old MIA.

