Rant alert: I'm too angry to be thankful right now

Good day, Tuesday. Life is going on all around us and though I'm excited for the holidays, I'm so very sad about our country and where we are headed.  You all know I was wit her and I don't shy away from political commentary, and really at this moment, all of us need to stay very aware and alert because things are just horrible and scary. If you don't want to read this, don't. But you really should. And you should be angry too if you're not already. And I'm about to speak my mind and rant so spoiler alert if you were looking for something light today. In fact, I kind of didn't want to post this. Because I don't like you to see me this way. Because I know you're sick to death of it all.  Because ENOUGH.  But I've got nothing else going on in my brain and instead of inspiration, I've got a fire that just won't got out, and it's growing by the second. 

Cause I'm angry. Super pissed. Livid. I'm angry that we have a President elect who is more upset about some actors speaking their mind on Broadway than a rabid bigot speaking his mind in front of a bunch of Nazi sympathizers. I'm beyond angry that he is doing absolutely nothing to speak out against these lunatics that threaten our way of life.

I'm angry that although Trump won the race, those of us in New York are removing his name from buildings we inhabit and big box retailers like Macy's are taking his products out of their stores because he's such an unpopular character, even before he gets in the White House. 

I'm angry that Trump is still going to be living in New York while he's in the White House, and his family does not want to remove mini Trump from school while his father serves as the highest leader of the free world. Every other President I can think of has moved his family to the White House. I'm angry he is immune to all Presidential behavior in general for that matter. And I'm angry New Yorkers are expected to foot the bill for this insanity. To the tune of a million dollars a day.

I'm angry that he is putting into power people that have no interest in making this country great again, but instead, taking us back to a time many of us have long left behind and who are the stuff of nightmares. 

I am angry that we have come so far and Trump's Supreme Court could very well take us to the way, way back.

I'm angry that for the first time in my adult life, I'm feeling fearful for my fellow Jews, not to mention everyone else who is not an Anglo Saxon, straight male in this country. There are no words to describe my anger over Hail Trump. None.

I'm angry that this is happening under our present President's watch- that there is nothing or seemingly nothing that can be done to address our concerns and fears and deep sadness over what our future could look like.

I'm angry that people are rolling their eyes over yet another political post, and I'm angry that Trump supporters on a friend's page had the nerve to tell me I need meds because I am not outraged that our next VP got called out by the cast of Hamilton. How dare members of the creative community speak their mind? 

I'm angry for all of us, that we have to reconcile the fact that our next President has no experience, no empathy, and no clear plan to make us all live together peacefully and safely. And let me say I'm angry twice now for his ability to completely ignore the rise of intolerance and racism and hatred swirling around him like a superstorm.

I'm angry at myself for feeling helpless in the face of such unmentionable evil. I am angry that I don't know what the fuck to do to make this better.

I 'm angry that I'm not feeling thankful this Thanksgiving. It's true I realize how lucky I am to be surrounded by like minded people and family and friends and a roof over my head. But my thankfulness and gratitude has been supplanted by fear and anxiety and of course, a lot of anger. I'm angry at America, and no, I'm not feeling terribly thankful.

I'm angry that in bubbly Brooklyn, we are getting swastikas graffitied onto public parks dedicated to hip hop heroes and that young ladies are getting sucker punched in local establishments. 

I'm angry that ignorance is winning or has won, and I'm angry I didn't see it coming. 

I'm angry that anyone wants to go back to a time where this country was one note, as in one race.

I'm angry that I have to console myself with how all of this horrific politicking is going to lead to revolutionary thought and music and creativity. I am angry because I'd rather have one less protest song if it meant we could all feel safe in a country we all inhabit, together.

I'm angry that I felt the need to IM a friend of mine from back in the day, who happens to be Muslim, to ask if he felt safe and if he was worried for his family.  I have not asked him this since 9/11.

I'm angry that it's the holidays and many of us don't feel like celebrating, and are fearful of going home because of how our relatives and neighbors may behave.

I'm angry that an orange Satan is about to get sworn in as President, and that we have to watch that happen.

I'm angry at opportunists like Mitt Romney, who shit talked Trump the whole election cycle, but now is suddenly game to get involved in his administration where he will no doubt get the opportunity to bro out with the likes of Putin. How? Why?

I'm angry at the media and their inability to cover the things that matter. And I'm angry Trump is meeting with the media to bully them like they are about to get fired from The Apprentice. 

So I'm sorry if the tired, huddled masses are sick of politics. We all are, really. But to ignore what's happening is a very large mistake. Possibly the biggest of our lifetimes. I hope I am proven wrong, I hope you can all point fingers and call me dramatic. I hope Trump gets indicted for something or somehow gets prematurely impeached and can not be our President. Last night David and I watched Richard Spencer's speech which ended in Nazi salutes and for the first time in a long time, I saw my husband shaken to his core. This alt right figurehead in the expensive suit is a terrifying figure. As is Steve Bannon. As are many people jumping on the Trump bandwagon.  And let's stop calling them alt right ok? Because they're Nazis. And that's the truth. Watching Spencer speak was chilling to say the very least. And instead of looking forward to Thanksgiving with my family, I feel sick. And angry. And sick again. 

So if you would rather ignore what's happening, that's your choice. I'm just having a bit of trouble coming up with some regularly scheduled programming during these very scary fucking times.  And yea, I'm angry. Beyond angry. And sad that at a time of year when I should be writing a post about 20 things I'm thankful for, I felt more inspired to write this one. I'm sorry I'm not seeing the silver lining just yet, because all I can see is red.  I am sure I will have moments of goodness in the days to come, but today is just not that day. 

Cause that's what's up this anger is an energy kind of Tuesday in the 212. Yours, in not my President, not my country, not fucking having it. XO

6 responses
Well said Sheri! We need this kind of anger, we need to find our energy, and use it. The world is moving in a very scary direction and those of us who believe in humanity, progression, multiculturalism, freedom and love need to stand up and be counted. Now, more than ever. Well said, my friend, well said x
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