Quick thoughts post election

Good morning, Wednesday. I'm busy on a big project which is fun and exciting and a lovely distraction from the state of things here in the US of A. Between someone in my neighborhood getting sucker punched in the face at a local restaurant to thoughts of The White House being quite literally, the whitest house of all time, I'm a mess. I know a bunch of you are too. Stephen Bannon? No. Never. And no again.

It's almost like that post 9/11 moment when we wonder where we're headed and how we're going to communicate. I'm still me, you're still you. I still love style and creativity and music. You still love what you love. We will go on. But nothing feels right this very moment and I'm just feeling off. One thing I look forward to is a return to rebelliousness and some much needed vitriol when it comes to pop culture. And I guarantee that much of that will come from my Generation, Generation X, who have always been cynical and grew up in Reagan's 80s- and think of all the amazing creative stuff that came out of that era. I could live without the shoulder pads and Flock of Seagulls hair, but you catch my drift. PS- I love how Republicans look to the Reagan era as the glory days of their party- am I the only one who remembers being in grade school when Ronnie famously called ketchup a vegetable? Anyone? That and a million other things really but just know this- for those of us who are feeling disappointed, disenfranchised, and disgusted, this is our time.  This is a time for the next generation of Act Up, The Black Panthers, and any number of organizations to make the next four years tolerable. We can do this. Right? (Still feeling dubious can't help it). Remember how amazing Public Enemy sounded when you first heard them? Yea, we need Chuck D. More than ever.  We gotta fight the powers that be. And write songs about said powers. And then some.

So where does this leave my writing and thoughts? I'm not going to stop what I'm doing.  And you shouldn't either. But for all of us who care and hoped for a different outcome and want to contribute should do just that, and then write about it, sing about it, dance about it, talk about it. That's where the good stuff is going to be. I can feel it. If I can put on my former trend forecasting hat, I can tell you that a creative resurgence is coming and it's going to be really good.

Just wanted to put that out there- how I'm feeling mind and mood and such and just because I'm aligning myself to my generation, we can reach across the age gap and work together, make together, and change together.  Cause that's what's up this cautiously optimistic but super freaked out still kind of Wednesday in the 212. Yours, in this land is made for you and me. XO