Paris Fashion and its Essential Scarf

Hi Wednesday...I am in chateau country and loving it...later I will tell you about my transcendent meal last night in the middle of nowhere. Since you are all beyond bored with my Rimbaudian musings and romantic idealizing, let's talk fashion. French women are beyond chic as we all know. But it's effortless and never fussy. You roll out of bed, have a Gauloise and some coffee, and allez. That is all... If your idea of Paris is Carrie Bradshaw looking like dessert, sorry to break it to you, but that look is so much more fantasy than reality. So leave your clothing confections at home and focus on a steady stream of sexy dark hued basics and pack a million scarves. And learn to haphazardly tie them, or tie them to look like you merely tossed it on after kissing your amour au revoir as you saunter into your day. I got the feeling a Frenchwoman would rather die than not have a scarf knotted around her impossibly chic neck. It's as much a part of the culture as bread and's beyond a fashion statement and simply part of Paris's style vernacular. Oh and ze boys rock them hard too...protect yo neck, if you will. Oh and if it gets warm, simply knot that silky or wool thing around your purse. You simply can't have that scarf too far away from your person. It's not allowed... And that's what's up this perfectly knotted Wednesday in the Loire...I'm off to get my chateau on. XO