On Pet Sounds, Chaos, and Beauty

Hi, Wednesday. There you are. And here I am. Funny how that happens.

Feeling a bit fried, far left of center, off balance, and just a bit out of
whack. I've been doing a bit of traveling, a lot of dieting, a respectable
amount of exercising, and Type A level planning- but all I really want to do
is have a respite from so much doing and just be- enough of things that have
suffixes of "ing" and more pure states of mind. Right this second, I'd
rather make a more sweeping statement and just do. Or be. Or sit. I know I
can do this anyway, it's all a state of mind, but just feeling the need to
sit still is top of mind right now. Wanting to feel a bit more grounded I

As I read through this morning's emails after a particularly annoying spin
class, I put on the iconic Beach Boys album "Pet Sounds" as the coffee did
its thing. I'm so glad I did. The album is so layered, so beautiful, so
soulful, and also so peaceful. It's truly a delight to listen to. Think I
read an A/V Club interview once on the Onion that Brian Wilson created this
classic set of songs with the intent of spreading a little love to the
world, and I think he succeeded. Ask any real musician how they feel about
this incredible lush gift and they will say it's transcendent. But Wilson
started descending into madness after its recording- he never felt like he
could top this masterpiece. I suspect he was coming unhinged during its
recording as well, almost because the genius of it was simply too much for
such a sensitive soul to endure.

To this humble fan, this classic is the greatest example of complete
brilliance coming out of chaos and insanity, resulting in unrepentant
beauty. So as I sit here trying to balance and not over ponder, I guess my
point is to look for the beauty in the chaos and vice versa and things
should be copacetic and unfold as they should. Often one can't exist without
the other, at least that's the way it has always been for me. And maybe I
should stop trying to top my last "masterpiece", whatever that may be, and
just simply be. Oh and listen to Pet Sounds again and again. I'm not
promising that you can craft a classic album this way, but ya never
know...it is doing wonders for me. (Wouldn't it be nice?)

So check out Pet Sounds, most likely again for many of you, but if it's the
first time for some of you, I hope you enjoy it. Helping me find my way
today, and finding comfort in its complex beauty. And that's what's up this
multilayered Wednesday in the MIA, as I try to just be. XO