On marathons and elections and the race towards humanity

Good morning, Monday. One more day. To say we are all not ready to put this mess of an election to bed would be a gross understatement. I've had it, you've had it, we've all just about HAD IT.

I think besides all the divisiveness and negativity one thing is clear from this election cycle- we can't get away from constant news about how shit everything is. It's beyond difficult to remain positive when so many voices of dissent and disparagement is being shouted from every rooftop, corner, and Facebook feed. It's true one could just choose to go numb and self medicate and hide, but I preferred a different tactic these past few weeks- and that is, remembering that the way the news is reported is very much skewed to make us afraid, make us crazy, and make us shake our beliefs in the goodness of humankind. If that seems extreme, you're welcome to counter. But really, it's time to shut off the news, get out in the world, and find those good things about people that make us remember who we are. The way we communicate with each other is so beyond toxic these days- from mean spirited comments sections on our favorite sites to snarky pundits on CNN to relentless social media zingers, it's nonstop bleak out there folks. And you know what has always made America really great? Our optimism. Can we all just try to make America optimistic again? Ok, if not that- can we make America human again? 

Two unlikely events had me seeing good again this past week- I already talked about The World Series and how it inspired all of us to root for something, to cheer for something, to believe in something. And then I hung out yesterday and cheered on the amazing rockstars who ran the New York Marathon- and can't say enough about how inspiring it was.  I cheered on my pal Katie, running her first marathon and looking fit and happy at Mile 8. If you've never watched this miracle of a race, it's a time to really check out why we love New York the way we do. I watched from Fort Greene in Brooklyn where the runners ran up Lafayette Avenue and everyone was out to cheer them on. I particularly loved the guy blasting an enormous sound system to get the runners dancing and fired up. And then when the last of them made their way through those Brooklyn streets, a dance party erupted and a huge celebration of perseverance, hard work, and human will ensued. I'm not much of a runner but things don't get much better than watching perfect strangers help each other, cheer for each other and show their support.  I watched a middle aged guy struggling a bit while a few random hands patted him on the back to get him through. Basic human kindness people. Kinship. Shows of respect. This is what I'm craving and know you all are to. Yesterday was a triumph and not only a nod to the runners, but a nod to this beautiful, crazy town and all the people who live in it and love each other.

In a marathon, there's millions of faces, stories, dreams, and tragedies. Many reasons and causes to run 26 miles.  Many walks of life, ethnicities, sexual preferences, party alignments, shapes, sizes, and everything in between. But the common thread is that everyone came to do their personal best, and to be cheered all along the way by humanity very in need of something or someone to root for. 

Regardless of what happens tomorrow, we all need to get more in touch with what makes us great. How we can help each other in this human race of many miles and many cramps and deviations along the way. I saw the best of the best yesterday- elevating each other and smiling and choking up. We can do so much together if we try, or just stop being so negative. Never thought baseball or marathon running would bring me to this conclusion, but they have. 

And in this marathon of hell called an election cycle, we've got to cross the finish line together, united, no matter what. I'm optimistic the right person is going to win and we are going to be able to breathe again. In case you were wondering, it's not the one trying to tear us apart, but you already knew that. 

Cause that's what's up this praying for the best kind of Monday in the 212. Yours, in loving each other, and running faster to a better place in time. XO