On Liz

It’s no secret to those who know me well that I very much appreciate a slip dress- in various iterations- have always loved slips and collect them obsessively- albeit vintage, embellished, tie dyed, or brand spanking new. I'm not sure there's anything sexier. I love them for indoor pursuits natch, but also for outdoor ones as well- you can't go wrong with throwing some cashmere over a slip dress for a night out- it's super chic.

This love of silky  is due to no small part to Liz Taylor, who rocked a slip like nobody’s business in Butterfield 8.  The world is a less sexy place without La Liz, of this I can assure you. Those eyes, that face, that pure hotness- no replacing that, kiddlywinks.

As if looking that insanely beautiful was not enough, her bravery was over the top. Liz was talking about AIDs before it was fashionable to do so- before the era of social media when we all freely broadcast every view we have on EVERYTHING, Taylor was talking about a taboo subject without any fear whatsoever, and with compassion as deep as those violet eyes. To bring about awareness before the era of self broadcasting was no small feat, and she really did use her celebrity status for good.

I was watching a recap of her life last night and Joan Colins, another grande dame, menitoned that Liz was a “gal’s gal”- which I think is so very true. Women could relate to her fragility  (not to mention her sexiness, her passion, her struggles with weight, her weaknesses, her epic love affairs) and men were simply dazzled by her (8 times to be exact) and could not resist her obvious appeal.  That's a rare breed of woman, darlings- loved by men and women alike.

Her epic romance with Richard Burton was fueled by ubridled passion, insanity, and alcohol, as most great affairs are. Their love was otherworldly, so one can only hope that they are together again, in the next iteration of this here existence. The jewels he gave her remain as a material and rock solid reminder of how grand their love really was. And expensive. All great love is, really.

Liz was amazing- RIP, lady of many looks, causes, and lovers. There will never be another...


And that's what's up this who's afraid of Thursday Thursday in the MIA. XO