On Liking Stuff

Hi, Wednesday. I am happy because I went to an early spin class, in which great music was played (I like my Wednesday teacher's exploration of the 80s canon) and a good schvitz was had. Amazing how cranky I get when I don't have that on the regular. I just like it too much (no, really).

Speaking of liking stuff, I've become fascinated of late by all the liking we do these days. Some of you may be too young to remember, but when Sally Field won an Academy Award for Places in the Heart back in 1985(I liked that movie), her acceptance speech included the line "I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!"". (I like Gidget).

At the time, it was charming, and probably still would be today. But I can't help but think about how many of us are liking stuff so publicly all the time, thanks to the wonders of social media. We simply can't stop liking stuff. It's a bit of a global obsession, all of this liking. And how many times have you hit the like button, even though maybe you don't REALLY like something (do you really, really like Kim's Dry Cleaners? I mean really?). Yet all of this affirmation has to somehow spread something positive, I have to believe that. Plus, it feels good to be liked. Especially in real time. And with every thought we have under the lens of scrutiny in this digital age, it's confirmation that what we're putting out there is in tune with someone else, somewhere else in the universe, instantly. And in case you're a history buff, the like button celebrated its one year anniversary in April of this year. (I like history).

Of course, there's an awful lot of hating going on out there too, in the form of angry message boards and tweets about everything from politics to how crappy that new waxing spot is to celebrities who can't seem to keep their mouths shut (Roger Ebert's reaction to Ryan Dunn's passing seemed a bit insensitive to me -dislike).

We have become a culture of public likes and dislikes, and that's that- you like stuff, I like stuff, Khan likes stuff. That's the way it is. And if you feel like hating, well then, go right ahead. It has become essential to our communications as humans to express ourselves in terms of digging and not digging stuff. What is the psychology of "like" culture anyway? It must have something to do with our desperate need to connect with others, or our desire to act more like Sally Field. In any event, it's a big part of how we present online and the profile we share with the world. And it's a cool way to show support for your friends. Whatever the reason, it's fascinating to me. I wish a like button existed in the non digital space, as well as a dislike, distrust, despise, and you are just okay one. But alas, I'll have to keep my in person judgements to myself, and continue to like stuff online, where it's cool to do so. (I like this approach)

And that's what's up this you should like this post immediately kind of Thursday in the MIA (I'll like you back). XO