On John Galliano and Bad Behavior

Good morning, Wednesday, you pretty gal. It's a nice day and enjoyed sleeping through the rain last night...something comforting about an overnight rainstorm, because you're usually in bed where you belong during such events.

Speaking of events, there's beaucoup de chatter these days about bad behavior- look no further than Khadafi, Charlie Sheen, and John Galliano. Galliano is now the fashion world's Mel Gibson, and for this, he is a complete moron. His comments were beyond racist and anti-semetic, but what's most interesting to me now is not the rants, but the zero tolerance policy on the part of his bosses. We live in an era of hypertransparency, children. Many years ago, if an eccentric fashion designer decided to tie one on in his local boite in the Marais and shout out slurs, it would get coverage, but would probably not have been filmed. In this age of recording our every thought and action, as well as the actions of others, it's not smart to say anything that you don't want others to hear. And with the speed at which news travels these days (social media has us broadcasting at Mach 11), it's no suprise at how enfuriated we become when we find out about this stuff- sheer numbers of people come out in droves to voice their disgust. So what's most interesting to me is you have on one hand the shooting down of people for saying stupid stuff, yet we are all so empowered to speak our minds and moods on social media- in fact, we're talking more than ever. I guess we should chalk it all up to a heightened sensitivity to all of this constant chatter (as we speak Khadafy has been on Libyan TV giving a marathon press conference for no less than 2 1/2 hours. Yikes. That's a lot of talking).

And just this morning, a gaunt and fucked up Charlie Sheen (what was he staring at) was on the Today show, after having had his children taken away from him last night. This guy is someone who simply talks wayyyy too much, and we're all sick of hearing it. I'm not sure if bipolar mania is the culprit or an IV drip full of crack, but this guy needs to shut up already and get some help, for whatever ails him. Even his publicist quit over it- too much talking and not enough filtering. Which brings me to another thought- a new model of bad publicity is just that- bad publicity. It used to be (and some still believe) that if people are talking about you, the context doesn't matter. I think in today's angry world, I'm not so sure that all press is good press. Maybe we're entering an era of mindful publicity where bad press is no longer viewed as provocative chat, but detrimental and damaging mojo for whatever or whoever is being discussed.

And on this discussion thing, I give you freedom of speech. Now now, I am not at all defending Galliano or Sheen. I'm simply saying that we all have the right to say what we wish- places in the Middle East are fighting for democratic style freedoms as we speak. If we take that away from people, what do we have? This whole notion of talking has taken on a whole new dimension in this brave new social world- because so many more people are LISTENING. And it's happening on a micro scale too- normal schmucks like us are getting popped on Facebook for playing hookey, flirting with exes, and outing themselves in all kinds of ways. So all of this talking probably needs to be culled down a bit. I for one could use a little quiet (at least Mel Gibson is getting a good night's sleep these days while everybody else acts crazy).

And that's what's up this hushed and carefully chosen Wednesday in the MIA. XO

PS- will Kate Moss rethink her wedding dress design now that Galliano is being exiled from Dior? What's a supermodel on the eve of betrothal to do?