On Insomnia and Motorcycles

Hi, Tuesday. I am sleepy. Darn time change had me open my eyes at the very
unsavory hour of 5 am. And now they refuse to close again. Merde.

You probably wouldn't think my mind would wander to motorcycles at such a
moment, but it does. I have always dug cool bikes and appreciated their
power, design, and snarl. It's also fun to sit on the back of one and hit
the open road...have no desire to drive one myself, but enjoy being a
passenger nonetheless. (I know, I know. Seems out of character for me bu I
am full of surprises).

I got an email from a company called Deus (pronounced Day-us) about a
beautiful book they are putting out, "The Big Book of Deus". Have no idea
how I got on their mailing list, but I was intrigued by the aesthetic of
the photos and book design and clicked on their site. (think grainy, beachy,
very 60s/70s hip surfer).

The proper name of the company is Deus Ex Machina, Latin for "God from our
hands" or "God that we make" (thanks, Wiki). It's also a literary device,
but way too early to get into that, so I'll leave you to catch up on your
Euripides on your own.

Besides being a damn fine phrase for a tattoo for some creative type,
Shakespearean wannabe, or master craftsman, these bikes are simply unhinging
in their coolness. The company is based in Australia and runs a bike shop,
clothing store, and café. They even make surfboards and some bicycles. But
the true magic are the bikes that go vroom. We're talking taking old bike
parts and making custom motorcycles that look very much like the ghost of
Steve McQueen. (If he presented in bike form at least, and he probably

If you are a guy, I'm telling you right here and now that a sweet bike like
this is beyond a chick magnet. And as you can imagine, these chick magnets
are spendy- think starting prices in the mid-high teens at least. And, if
you are my husband, I wish I could buy you one of these bikes as a present
because that would simply make me the coolest chick in the world. And you
deserve it for putting up with me (I may have to settle for a tee shirt or
hat. They have those too and they're pretty rad and more in my price range).

The bikes are not really for sale in the states, but I think Orlando Bloom
rides one, and I'm not discouraged by the fact that Billy Joel has one too
(well, trying not to be). In any event, these bikes are vintage yet modern,
great to look at, and simply cool beyond belief. If you own a Deus out there
in the blogosphere, and you're reading this, I'll be ready to go to the
office at 8:30, mountain time. How I would love a ride on one of these
beauties. So incredibly stylish and cool.

Check out the site here- gorgeous photography and site design as well- also
love their swap meet section. Looks like a cool time:


I am now going to attempt to go back to bed and dream of all things Deus.
Cause that's what's up this Tuesday, comin' atcha live from the mountains of
Boulder. XO