On Halloween

Ooh, Friday. In the nick, I tell you. In the nick...

So it's Halloween this weekend and I hope you have a fabulous day/night.
Unlike many of you, I don't really do Halloween, surprising as that may
seem. I'm just not a costume girl, never have been. I find it somehow
embarrassing and I'm not in the least bit innovative when it comes to
masquerade. I actually suck at it. It's so not for me. I don't know how to
prance around as anyone or anything else, and I don't like the attention a
costume demands. Plus, I just feel super duper ridiculous.

I can recall as a child all of my friends fiendishly crafting and creating,
intrepid tongue over top lip, cutting, pasting, and sewing all sorts of
costume fun. I did the opposite. On the day of Halloween, I would usually go
into the basement cedar closet and pull out a boa, a necklace, a fur muff, a
vintage sailor dress. You see my grandmother owned a clothing store years
ago and when she closed it, we had many spoils and leftover pieces. I
particularly was obsessed with a pair of rhinestone heels, but they were
always too big for me. After festooning myself with said boa or muff, I
would put a dot on my chin and some red lipstick and off I went, without a
hint of cardboard of plastic. I was never that girl and I'm still not. I
think if I bottom line this in my mind goes a little something like this- I
just wanted the candy. Full stop. And I wasn't going to pretend to be
someone else to get it. Yea, I'd put on a little something, but I wasn't
about to overthink things. Just. Give. Me. The. Candy. In a bigger,
metaphoric sense, not much has changed, kids. I still want all the candy and
am not willing to pretend to be anyone else to get it. Yes, I'll play along,
but it will be on my terms. Just give me the candy and we'll be straight.
I'm no good at pretending.(Don't get me started on this slutty costume
trend. I can't bear it or stomach another sleazy nurse, smurf, cop).

I work in an office that has themed holiday parties, and I always admire how
everyone goes for it costume wise, but I never do. I will do a wink to the
theme, but I never go all out. If the theme is red, I may rock a red shoe.
If it's circus, I'll wear a polka dot dress. You get the idea, bien sur.
This year is the '80s, and I will surely do something in the style of, but
probably won't be hunting for a Limahl suit any time soon. It's simply not
in the cards.

I guess I'm a Halloween agnostic. Or maybe I just never know who to be, yet
another theme in this thing called life. I do miss the Halloween Parade
that began outside my door on Sixth Avenue in Manhattan, but damned if I
ever marched the thing in full costume. (Devil ears from Ricky's with the
aforementioned red lipstick was a stretch for me). I will most likely be
admiring all of you pretty people in your costumes here in the MIA, but I'll
just be me, thank you very much. That's all I really know and I'm sticking
to it. Me and Candy Bergen, pictured here at Capote's infamous Masked Ball.
Mask decidedly off. And hair, fabulous.

And that's what's up this tricky, treaty Friday in the MIA. XOXO