On Haircuts and Happiness

Hi, Thursday...what a difference a good haircut makes. I'll tell you WHAT. I was positively pissy yesterday and now feel so much better, all thanks to my much needed haircut. I so want to be a long hair girl, but I'm not. It all comes back to the bob, which is now a bit jagged and funky and altogether ME. Respect and admire you girls with your long, luxurious locks, but I can't go there. Loathe growing my hair and hate having too much of it. Weighs me down. I simply reach a point where I can't bear my hair another second, and then- CHOP.

And speaking of being weighed down and in need of a chop,  what's your problem? Yes, you. Maybe you are beyond and over the moon with your life, and if that's the case, well I owe you a drink- congratulations. But if you are like most of us earth dwellers, you may feel a bit hefty and need a change- a shedding, a reassessment, a check in. In case you didn't get the memo, it's your life, darlings. You simply have to do what you want. Well you don't have to, but shouldn't you?

As I left my gig to pursue more self oriented endeavors, I felt powerful, hopeful, and excited. I still feel all of those things, but guess what? I'm exhausted. It's not easy to change everything up- now that I am employed by none other than myself, I feel the need to explore every and all opportunities that come my way, and although all of these things are beyond a blessing and I am super thankful, I'm in need of a nap, some extra strength eye cream, and a few nights of mindless television. Nobody said switching it all up would be easy, and I wouldn't change a thing. Maybe I just didn't bank on how sleepy I would be, all the time. But besides being a little tired, I am open in ways that I never knew possible- just "ready" in a way I haven't been in a long time, though I am not sure what I'm ready for. And that's part of the fun. My state right now is not unlike that perfect outfit- you know the one. That little number that you feel great in, no matter where you're going- you're just right and comfortable and "ready". I'm kinda like that. And I'm not mad at it.

And seems like a a few people are feeling the need to be ready, too. Just yesterday at my hair salon, I was talking to the lovely guy who was washing my locks, who told me he recently quit a job in academia to cut hair. Oh, and it gets better. His wife quit a high end retail management gig to do tattoos. These stories inspire me beyond belief- when people live in their truth and take the risk, I well up inside. I'm not saying it's going to be easy- maybe you'll need to cut back on some things, suffer lack of sleep, and scratch your head sometimes when the going gets rough as to why you left that cush gig, that bad relationship, or bad habit. But take it from my friend at the salon- it's so so worth it to do what makes you feel less weighed down, less sluggish, less dready on Sunday night. There is not a successful person alive (however you measure success anyway) that did not take a risk at some point on the journey- so what are you waiting for? Stop what you're doing- maybe start with a haircut. I'm telling you it's a step in the right direction, friends. I'm not saying you have to quit your job, although that may be necessary to get rid of some of the gunk. Maybe take baby steps- chop the hair, buy a red dress, ask someone out that you've been grooving on. Not sure what it is, but you too should experiene this perfect outfit feeling, tiring as it is to get there. Tomorrow I could be pissy again, but today I feel very right and knowing and happy. The haircut helped. I'm sure of it. As did the ability to take a breath and realize things are tiring, but really, really ok.

And that's what's up this little black dress of a Thursday in the 305. Go forth and live, lovelies. You only get one shot. In this life anyway...