On craving comfort, one matzoh ball at a time

Good afternoon, Wednesday. Holy moly. This is some week. If you have worked in advertising, you are familiar with production crunch time. It's not cute in any way. I have not brushed my hair all week nor I have been to the gym nor have I been sleeping much at all. Thank goodness for On Demand. It's been a great week for me to catch up on all of my shows I've missed, albeit in the middle of the night.

And though it's always been my practice to attempt to post something on this blog most days, I was drawing huge blanks this morning when I thought about a topic because I've been fairly cut off from civilization this week. Being on an intense timeline to get stuff done can take its toll on a girl, particularly in the brain department. But as I came to terms with the fact that I had very little to share, I was happy when inspiration struck in the form of my Seamless delivery to my desk today, because if you are feeling defeated, a little nauseated, and straight up stressed, there ain't nothing a little comfort food won't fix. 

If you are regular reader, you know how much I love good Jewish food, how much I crave it when I am feeling a bit out of sorts.  It's just who I am and no heaping helping of kale or ginger tea will fix me. I need the food of my people.

And today's offering from Kutshers in Tribeca is a shining testament to how much I must have the food stuffs of my people when I am tweaking out on life/work and everything in between. THIS MATZOH BALL SOUP IS THE BOMB.

A mere ten minutes ago, I was feeling fluish and shaky. After this incredible soup (shown above with accompanying Dr. Brown's Diet Black Cherry of course), I am a better woman. Sure, this large serving of soupy goodness comes with a steep price- $21, baby. But trust me, it's totally worth it, particularly because it will be the only thing I eat until probably 10 pm tonight. And it's got not only fab matzoh balls but kreplach, a double whammy of MOT delicious. And with its half moon cut celery, bitty triangles of carrots and sprinkles of dill and parsley, I really can't say enough about how good it it is. And there's white meat and dark meat up in there, for you dark meat types out there (you know who you are). The broth is just fat laced enough, and if you add a teeny pinch of salt and pepper, you my friend, will reap the instant benefits I just did from eating this soup from Heaven. 

I'm feeling better already. Sure it's a million degrees outside. But in this freezing cold office, I'm nice and comfy and ready for what's to come. I'm always so fascinated by what people eat to recoup, and for me, it's almost always going to be Jewish chicken soup, because it has magic powers, whether it's from Tribeca or Jerusalem or your grandmom's kitchen. You just can't put a price on good soup. I mean, you can, but then you will freak out over spending over $20 on soup. So just don't put a price on it cause there's no room at the inn for any more stress. And by "inn" I mean asylum. Of my own mind. Oy.

Cause that's what's up this restorative Wednesday in the 212. Soup really is good food. Yours, in double dosed carbs and chicken broth.  If there is a light at the end of this tunnel, it has surely been enhanced by chicken broth and soulful slurping.  If you are in NYC, go have this. You won't be sorry. XO