On Closets and Creativity

Good morning, Wednesday. Punxsutawney see no shadow. Dig it, Northeast. Dig it. Let's get to it, shall we?

I am in a rut. A pretty big one. I feel stuck and I'm not sure why. For months I was feeling all kinds of inspired, interested, piqued, and then some. Lately I don't have it. Whatever that "it" was it came and went like a mid season pilot on ABC.

So here I sit, feeling weepy, trying to figure out how to get my groove back from whence it came. I told a friend of mine about this on IM this morning and she said to equate this feeling of loss with that panic us girls have when we don't know what to wear. I myself have two enormous closets at home, stuffed to the gills, and with not a lot of light. Sometimes I'll start with a pair of shoes and work my way up, sometimes a skirt will enter my brain and the rest will follow. But sometimes, I have nothing. I don't know what to wear and I can't get it together, so the parade of discarded outfits begins its choatic descent on my closet floor. And my husband simply looks on and goes back to what he's doing, knowing full well that this is something I must do. Lord bless his soul and unswerving patience.

Why am I bringing up this nothing to wear analogy? I bring it up because it's simply not true, either in life or in my closet. Truth is, I have tons to wear. Sometimes I just can't see any options, and I get stuck. Clearly I am feeling stuck because I'm not seeing something- that perfect little spark to jumpstart my creative wardrobe, that little zoooooooom that I need to outfit myself with all I need to move forward. I think I need to go back to the basics, just like I do when I'm feeling meh in the morning and can't find a thing that appeals to me in terms of what I will put on my body- I always reach for the black. The black dress. The slouchy black tee. The perfect black tank. Black is my foundation- my safe zone, my always look "right" no matter what go to. Maybe I need to channel my inner creative basics (which are decidedly not black) and look for those things that make me tick inside. I am sure they are still there, they are just hiding under a bevy of useless things that I regret buying- those pants I bought on sale that collect too much lint, that dress that is too tight in the hips, those shoes I bought while under the influence of PMS that are painful and not cute. Much like my closet, my creativity is in need of some cleaning and deciphering just what it is I need to feel perfect today, and most of all, inspired. Clearly this is just a case of brain/closet clutter- I need to go back to the basics and find my click again.

So today I am going to focus on cleaning, deciphering, uncluttering, and decoding. Because tomorrow, I need a good outfit, for both my body and my soul. Cause that's what's up this deep dive of a Tuesday in the MIA. I'm going to get to the bottom of this empty pool one way or another and coming out with some inspiration (needless to say, i am stressed about the bathing suit I am wearing to get there).  Much love. XO