Oh, Missoni bike. You will be mine. And everyone else's too...

Hi, Wednesday. it's a lovely day here in the MIA- hot and sticky as usual, but sunny, which is nice. I am super tired though- these early workouts are getting annoying. And last night I dreamt I robbed a pizza place. In my pajamas. I'm not kidding. I did. What the hell does that mean? Probably means I need to sleep more. Or stop watching Locked Up before bed.

So anyway, this Missoni Target collection. You've all seen it and you know it's fabulous. I want just about everything zig zag and democratic, and much like you, I'll be queuing up at 11:59 the night before to get my mitts on some patterned loveliness. (September 13th is the sale date, mark your Smythson diaries/smartphones nowish). But word to the wise: fashion victimization is a likely possible with this collection- do not rock the ziggy zags all at once, and defiinitely not while riding this hot little creature of mobility. Non. And non again.

In addition to all the lovely clothes, tights, and shoes, I've gotta have this bike. Yea, I know I'm more of the spin class type, but sometime, somewhere in my so called life I will ride this bike, into the sunset and beyond. Who on Earth would not want this gorgeous thing???? It's mine and that's that- I am sure I will be fighthing off hoards and masses to get it, but I'm up for it. I have a killer left so look out. Don't you just love the way this looks in a house too? Maybe not even going to ride it but just admire it while I pretend I'm Anita Ekberg in "La Dolce Vita"?  Perhaps I shall. (Look, there she is now).

But all of these Italian fantasies have to be on hold for a moment, for now I must leave you- have loads to do and trying to rev up for the day, though visions of an Italian bicycle float through my sleep deprived brain...arrivederci, and that's what's up this well wheeled Wednesday in the 305. Pow. XO