Notes from a New York Evening...

Good morning Ruby Tuesday. Who could hang a name on you? 

I am up early working a bit so I can pop over to an am spin class and get my soul cycled. Just love that place more than anything. Have much to do today but hoping to pop over to the ICP and  check out the Elliott Erwitt show. Below is a great shot of his from Paris, and his take on urban life and living are directly in line with how I'm viewing the world today- as a happy observer. If you are in New York this afternoon, let's meet there and happily observe together.

Last night I wrote the below post after some good wine with a dear friend (I think there was a dirty martini involved somewhere too). Sure it's a bit over the moon, but it was a fun night with a great girlfriend...sue me for being grossly romantic and mushy. Here it is- hope you enjoy it:

So check it...New York. New York. New YORK.

I have talked about New York more than any person should, pretty much ad infinitum on this here blog. But G-ddamn. I love me some New York City, and here’s why.

When the weather is nice, as it is this fine evening, there truly is nothing more genius and lovely and rocks off amazing as this town. It is one of the few places in the world where I can be alone, walking along darkened streets, listening to music on my Ipod, and feel so incredibly connected, so very alive, and so operational from the gut. No other city has me as finely tuned as New York does, and man, it turns me on. 

I am not sure there is another place on Earth where I would feel so comfortable strolling noirish streets, listening to old Kinks songs and Bowie’s “Queen Bitch”, and smiling ear to ear because I know a good moment when I have one. Sure I had to kill an animal sized roach last night, but all is forgiven.  I will enjoy your company again, very very soon, you big apple. You always give me something amazing, my love...

All of this topped off a fabulous dinner at Minetta Tavern, and boy- that place matters.

It matters because it’s a uniquely New York conceit- full of life, noise, style, good food, and interesting conversations to easedrop on- all the things that makes a New York evening so spectacular. (I’m not sure what to make of the weird guy in the embellished leather vest, but eh, fodder). Minetta Tavern is a fantastic place to eat at the bar and remember why you live to love this town- oh and girlies- if you are single, come here- there are tables and tables full of men breaking bread, devouring steaks, and drinking expensive red wine. Go to there. Now. It’s clubby and downwardly (yet upwardly) chic- think a more modern and cooler Sardi’s. Truly a gem. Eat at the bar. It's lovely and sophisticated without being stuffy.

Tonight was one of those New York evenings when you realize life really is a beautiful, lovely, sexy thing. There is no city that inspires me more than my Manhattan- give me your huddled masses and such- I’ll take them in my arms and hug them to pieces.  Since the weather was no longer oven baked, I walked off my meal and spent the evening gazing at old buildings and remembering why I have always felt that living in New York at some point in your existence should be required in this thing called life. It’s simply that good, that vital, and that special. New York makes the world go round, or my spinning universe anyway. I need this city like I need plasma and good shoes. New York will always be home to me- even though I grew up in Philadelphia, New York wraps me up and takes care of me in a way that no other place can. The people who live here and engage in their daily banter have a lot to do with it, but so does the architecture, the light, and the ability to get what you need, when you need it.  And a good cod cooked in parchment coupled with some laughs and great wine doesn't hurt.

Hope you are enjoying where you happen to be bopping around today. I hope it can compare to my very own brand of NYC worship.  Though nothing does- not even close. Amazing that a place can feel so yummy to one’s soul. When I am inspired and energized there’s no stopping me.

PS Queen Bitch is a good choice for a stroll through late night Manhattan, and here is why, courtesy of Wikipedia...

"Queen Bitch" is a song written by David Bowie for the album Hunky Dory. Bowie was a great Velvet Underground fan and wrote the song in tribute to the band and Lou Reed .

Take it from me and then take it from old Bowie- New York is hunky fucking dory. Always will be. Amazed at how much this city gives me every time I come. And that's what's up this delicious apple of a Tuesday in the best city in the world.  I suggest you find your own New York and seek its truth. It’s the only way. XO