Michelle Michelle. Oh Michelle.

I was going to write about the gorgeous hippy vibe at Alberta Ferretti's
show in Milan this week, which embodies what I call "barefoot
chic"...amazing. More on that later, perhaps. Oh and that the French are
striking and cutting flights and protesting because they have to work till
they are 62 instead of 60. Sacre bleu...

But I need to talk to you about something else, dear readers. It's Michelle
Obama, and her fascination with bad fashion choices. I still love her as a
person, but her fashion sense gives me hives. In the next few paragraphs I'm
talking to her about it...here goes.

Michelle Michelle...please stop dressing for Easter. Enough with those
colors. We get it. You like color. In a season of beautiful neutrals and
strong shapes, why must you dress like June Cleaver goes to the cotillion?
Nobody goes to cotillions anymore. This is 2010. It's a season full of
incredible suiting options- great pants and jackets which you would look
amazing in. Camels and charcoals and beautiful tweeds. You work hard for
those arms and that bod- wear something strong and not so demure and fussy-
it's wrong for your body type- just way too traditional and old fashioned.
Plus it's not springtime or summer for that matter- it's fall. And you're
not in Nantucket or at a picnic on Block Island. Dial it down. In terms of
a pulse check, the country is in a solemn mood as we try to figure out what
the heck to do about jobs, our soldiers, and every other thing that has been
plaguing our fair land of late. If you want color, at least wear red- the
color of confidence and conviction and power. Stop with the retro party
dresses with the Tri Delt prints and wear something we can believe in. There
is such a disconnect between the woman I know you are and the zombie,
Pleasantville housewife look you like to wear. And those Pepto Bismol pumps?
Oy. I can't...

As America wonders what is next, we should at least feel safe with your
fashion choices. I The only time I see you nail it is for evening when you
go more strong and sexy and less old time matron of the manner. Stop with
the dowdy thing. You're better than that- I know you love Jackie O. but
there was only one Jackie and you're actually skewing more Barbara Bush.
Jackie was a wisp of a woman- clothes fit her differently. You are equally
as amazing physically just much stronger and athletic. Celebrate that. Maybe
your fashion identity crisis is more of a metaphor for the not so small "who
are we" crisis we are going through as a country...if we can't figure that
out, can we at least see you wearing something headed in the right
direction? Pretty please? I do love in the beginning when you were wearing
"real" clothes women could relate to, but I'm not relating to this look. At
all. And with all the incredible designers I'm proud to call fellow
Americans, surely you can do better? And American sportswear is so damn
wearable. And so very real.

And that's what's up this somewhat snarky Thursday in the MIA. I try to keep
it positive in Mavenland, but sometimes I can't take it. XO