Met Ball Eve: The future is now (and I'm inspired)

Good afternoon, kittycats.  

Tonight is the Met Ball and having just seen "The First Monday in May" , the documentary about said Ball, I can't wait to see what the fabulous and famous will be wearing.

This year's theme, according to Vogue, is “Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology.” The exhibit "will focus on the dichotomy between handmade haute couture and machine-made fashion".  Interesting. I can't wait to see it and can't wait to tune in and see what everyone is wearing to such  a future focused event. Man vs. machine. I'm onboard.

I imagine there will be quite a bit of McQueen, Gareth Pugh, and my favorites- vintage Pierre Cardin or Rudi Gernreich for those in the know fashion types that love the whole retro future look like I do. So I thought I'd share some inspiration with you in terms of what the future looks like, from a fashion standpoint. Sure, we'll probably all be wearing jumpsuits in a few years (most of us already are alreaady), but love the fantasy of these looks and have always enjoyed fashion's interpretation of what's in store.

Enjoy these looks and happy red carpet watching. Cause that's what's up this first Monday in May, that somehow feels like November. Yours, in future focusing. XO