Hi, Wednesday.  Midweek, people. Midweek.


So now that I’ve had this stay at home thing happening (I excel at it PS),  I’m empowered to not give a shit about something that has always stressed me out in the morning, and that is, doing my hair.               

My hair and I have a shitty relationship. It’s volatile, my do is. Sometimes it’s straight, other times frizzy a la Einstein. Because of this, my hair is the boss of me. And my hair usually wins, with me dejectedly putting said mop in a clip, tortoise shell barette, or pony tail. Or of course, I could hack it off, which is what it wants anyway, as it fights me like Al every time I try to grow it past my shoulders- rumble in the jungle indeed (right now, when I pull on it post shower, it’s to my collarbones, a small victory due in no small part to the Brazilians and this Keratin thing. You must do this, fellow unruly hair owners. It's a lifesaver).


But my recent trip to Paris opened my eyes to the glory of undone, unstyled hair. Parisian women don’t “do” their hair, and if they do, you wouldn’t know it. It’s so just got out of bed chic it hurts. I wish more people around me would recognize the fabulousness of undone hair. Messy hair if you will. I support it.         


As I’ve been blissfully unemployed these past few weeks, I’ve let that shit go in a big way. I don’t care what it looks like, and I let it dry in a knot, fixed firmly with a barrette. I have often wondered how girls in my office would waltz into the elevator (some even sashayed) with the most perfectly blow dryed hair you have ever seen, while I cursed them under my breath (bitches I might say to myself…) One of these follicly blessed types was a dear friend of mine, even though she has perfect tresses. I remember asking her what I should do with my hair, in a mad attempt at finding a solution to my perpetual updo.

“Why don’t you try brushing it once in a while”?, she questioned back and rolled her eyes.  A fair response, and well deserved.


But now that I’m sort of padding around, between the gym and Whole Foods and my apartment, I’m letting my hair just, well BE. And it’s pretty freaking awesome. So I found this poster on Etsy in honor of such milestones in life, as embracing messy hair in all its glory. I recommend putting one of these on your mirror, for days when you simply give in to an extra hour of sleep or get back some much needed Today Show time in the morning, because you can’t hear Matt and Meredith over the din of your super turbo dryer, purchased from some beauty supply store and about the price of dinner at Nobu.


So tack up this little message, and get on with your life. Cause that’s what’s up this tousled Wednesday in the 305.  The blowdryer returns next week. XO