Meet the Hilfigers....

Hi, Friday. Trop Storm Bonnie en route. Oh boy. I was going to post the
lyrics to "Stormy Weather" but they're entirely too depressing.

So let's talk about Tommy Hilfiger's new ad campaign instead, shot by Craig
McDean. I think it's genius. The work showcases an imaginary Hilfiger
family, complete with quirky Tennenbaum tendencies. You can even go online
and "meet the Hilfigers" on and find out all about their lives-
feels very Gatsby 2010 meets Wes Anderson- that kooky, rich preppy thing is
displayed here in spades and I love it. (Mumsy likes her bloodys and hot son
gets kicked out of boarding school...) I have always had a bit of Wasp envy-
oh to be cool, detached, and reedy...we Jews are not cut out for such
things, at least not in my family.

Wasp envy aside, I think this is a great way for a brand to inject some
personality into the clothes and celebrate the "American family" and cover
off on a bunch of demographic bases, as well as all mediums- print,
interactive, etc. I say American family in quotes cause obviously nobody's
family I know looks as good or cool as this, but no matter (except for the
Novogratzes of Bravo reality show fame. Before that show put them into
overexposure, they would have been a great REAL family to represent a
fashion brand ). It's a fun way to tell a brand's story- Tommy has always
been gaga for a preppy with a twist ideal. And after all, it's only about
fashion and I like it. I like it. Yes I do. And judging from the photos in
this month's Bazaar of Tommy's new digs in the Plaza, lots of other people
do too.

Hope you enjoy your weekend. I just bought in all my lanterns and glass
candle holders from outside and the air feels charged in that pre hurricane way I
have become well acquainted with, though this one's just a tropical storm.
And that's what's up this American Friday in the tropics. Maybe you should
celebrate your family this weekend- shall I schedule a shoot with Craig
McDean? XO