Mavenspiration: 80s New York Mag Fashion Freshness

Hi, Tuesday. It's chilly in Miami and one may think the world is ending from
the way people are freaking out about it. Funny to a Northeasterner, but
whatever. Different is nippy though, I'm not gonna lie.

As this chilly week approaches the midline, thoughts of themed holiday
parties run amok in my brain. As avid readers of this blog, you know I am
fussy when it comes to costumes. Fussy as in I don't like them. One bit. But
I do look a wink and a nod to the theme- and as this theme is the 80s, and
since I am fully versed in that era of shoulder pads and hairspray, how can
I not embrace it ever so slightly?

If you work with me, perhaps you need a little inspiration as you've
exhausted your possibilities. I myself am too mired in obscure references
that would not read (Tama Janowitz, Nan Kempner, Diane Brill) to try and
figure out what to do. But I found this wonderful canon of 1980s New York
Magazine fashion stories edited by none other than a young Anna Wintour, pre
American Vogue. What's striking about these images are the oddball
silhouettes of that era- what a difference a few decades make. I've attached
a few of my favorite images- black and white figured very heavily in this
era, which is perfect for me- especially the black part. A particular
favorite is the lady with the opera glasses in the geometric long tunicy
thing with the matching legging. I would have sold all of my New Order
records and then some for that look. The full link is below from
Fashionologie, but these are a few favorites of that rather weird time in
fashion, though awesome nonetheless. Perhaps I will take a page...

Cause that's what's up this referential Tuesday in the MIA. Enjoy the stroll
through that Gen Xified decade of debauchery. Link below, folks. XO,0,9#12