Maven style inspiration: A (chic) Place Beyond the Pines with the Gos

Hi, Wednesday, you little humpty hump you. I'm listening to Biggie and wondering how we live life without him. Perfect accompaniment to today's work/life.  And if you don't know, now you know...

This past weekend found me catching up on some much needed movie watching on demand styles, and on a gloomy Saturday night, we watched "The Place Beyond the Pines", a dark horse of a movie released in theaters last year. It starred Bradley Cooper as a cop and Ryan Gosling as some sort of carni/marauder/tragic criminal with a heart. Light it was not. Oh and ps, I saw "American Hustle" the very next day, in the theater, and realized two days of Bradley Cooper in a row is simply too much. I like the guy but his whole manic character thing gets on my last and final...his looks however, are A-OK. 

And speaking of A OK looking, THE GOS. Oh my. 

Watching him in this movie was riveting- his bleached blonde hair,  rock tees, and mad motorcycle skills were on another level of awesome (not to mention his bod- oops I just did). I very much dig on the homemade looking tats, blasted out jeans, and stormy weather countenance of this character. And because of that, I dedicate this blog post to the one and only Gos man, and his cool as shit style in this film. if that makes me generic (and late to the party), I care not. I come to these things in my own time.  Oh, and yea. He's feeding a baby. Looking like that. And?

Ps, I'd rock this look, hard.  Sure, the Gos is pretty much every woman's dream and subject of endless memes and interwebs worship, but hotness aside, I'm digging on his look big time,  It's pretty cute for chicks too, non? I'd say this level of sexy style transcends gender, although I'm not gonna pretend to look as good in a tee shirt as gorgy Gos. But then again-  vintage rock/metal tees, red leather, tight jeans, peroxide blonde hair, and tattoos? Why not? Pass the Metallica tee. I'm all in.  I realize this look is not for everyone, but I'm inspired, and you're still reading, so you must be too. Girls will be all boyish sometimes.

Cause that's what's up this rough hewn, rock and roll motorcycle club of a Wednesday in the 212.  Yours, in peroxide and movie stars, oh and hip hop. (Just because I say so).  XO