Maven pick: Shutting it down with Loewe's major sunglass of the season

Good afternoon, Wednesday. Holy merde I'm busy. I've been the worst blogger ever and if I was one of those fancy pants bloggers with a huge Instagram footprint and blah blah blah I could dedicate myself to this full time. But alas, those expensive sunglasses won't buy themselves. Le sigh.

And speaking of expensive sunglasses, allow me to cut right to the chase. I've been a huge fan of Celine's frames forever- my good friend and I always joke about glasses that allow one to "shut it down". As in, don't look at me, don't f with me, don't even think about me. An outsized sunglass will do that for a girl. And in stressful times like these, I so love a good pair of shut 'er downs. 

So my new favorite pair of SIDs come from Loewe- I can't handle the amazing things JW Anderson is doing for this house. It's so good. The bags, the shoes, but most of all- these glasses. Holy moly. I want them. I could so shut it down with these. I proclaim the Filipa the best pair of sunglasses since Celine's Shadow pair. In love. Must have. Want want want. I mean, they're surely a bit wacko but I love that. And do they really hide me eyes for maximum don't mess with me? Not exactly. But they are just so great that I'll forgive the light lenses. And as such,  I would wear them inside to avoid gazes and be on my way.

So if you feel like spending almost 500 bucks on a pair of sunglasses, these are bomb. Big fan. Now back to my gazillion emails and life in the fast lane. Cause that's what's up this need a shut down kind of Wednesday in the 212. Yours, in big frames. XO

Link to buy here.  And they give great Insta too.