Maven matures: Letting go of double standards (but still not getting a tattoo)

Good morning, Monday. It's finally Fall in my beautiful city and I love it.

So as many of you know, this is a time of great change for me.  I'm hoping the next generation of Maven will take me somewhere amazing, and I hope you will all come along with me. But I would be lying if I said it was not stressful, and for the first time in forever, I don't have steady income and it's scary but also strangely humbling in the best of ways. It's hard to explain, and I'm not one to want to suffer for my "art". but strangely empowered by the fear and uncertainty,  because I believe in what I'm doing and the journey that I'm on. I'm also hoping to expand my blog and do some more fun content about fashion and beauty soon. I'll keep you posted and as always, you'll be the very first to know.

And as I was reading the paper yesterday, I came across an op-ed about dressing over 40 (women of course) and how it's a big bunch of hooey- from telling women to only expose their collarbones to throwing away any notion of sexuality, it's all really stupid, because who cares?  To me, when you hit 40 you have a new sense of confidence that automatically may change how you dress- you may no longer feel the need to show so much skin, or maybe you've just achieved something that makes you want to show a little bit more. It matters not. Because when you hit 40 or any other supposed milestone of age, all that matters is that you're happy, healthy, and confident in who you are. And that my friends, is that. Oh and that beautiful foxy lady at the top of this post? That's Caroline de Maigret, a muse of mine. She's over 40 and still looks exceedingly cool at all times. She's incredible.  And I guarantee she doesn't care what you think. And I love her for it. Lopsided grin and all.

At the same moment I was reading that, I was watching the Sunday edition of theToday Show in bed . There was a story with Willy Geist and man child, Tony Bourdain.  Full disclosure- I've never made it a secret how much I've always had a crush on Mr. Bourdain. He's lanky, cool yet geeky, and a bit of a darkly funny horse which makes him pretty much on brand for me. He also can cook. Bonus. Huge bonus. 
I have his photo hanging in my kitchen, as he's a bit of a patron saint of that particular room in my home.

But I'm not bringing him up to let you know how cute he is. I bring it up because as I'm reading about women feeling the pressure to change their style at 40, I look at Bourdain, past 60, rocking tattoos and tee shirts and jeans like your average young dude. Does anyone give a crap what he wears? Has he had to cover his collarbone or anything else as he's reeled in the years? No. No he hasn't. Bourdain somehow manages to get cooler with each birthday, and usually gets another tattoo per year. Can you imagine if a woman over 60 was doing this in such a public way? Do you know any women over 60 who are rocking tee shirts and tattoos and running around the world eating anything the fuck they want? No? Ugh. I recently watched an episode of his show where he got some crazy tattoo hammered into his chest while hanging out in Borneo on live television, and I must admit- it was pretty badass.  Bourdain gets to have the best job in the world in my mind, and he's not the youngest guy in the room. I'd love to see a woman of his age doing the same gig, but that's just me. Tattoos optional, but you catch my drift.  Why are older men considered cool and older women get to be wacky or eccentric or worse, invisible? 

It's almost like men are expected to have some midlife crisis and get that tattoo, vintage Mustang, or hot girl. But what of women of a certain age? We get to cover our bodies and stop showing our cleavage? Hmm. I bring up de Maigret again, because to me, she's the epitome of an ageless cool that I just love and is somehow accessible and not over the top.  I would have worn this look in my 20s, and I would still wear it now. And I may very well wear it well into the next decade of my life. Not to mention you could wear this anywhere and look amazing.

And with election day looming near and Hillary finally having a double digit lead, we can take comfort in one thing- women are certainly doing whatever the hell they want, and though society may tell us we need to dress, act, and be a certain way past a certain expiration date, we don't  care. Because we longer have to. And though I love Anthony Bourdain, I wish we could see more women just being completely at ease with who they are, collarbones and all.  Just be who you want to be and I'll be me and they'll be them and all will be good. Rant over. Oh, and as for tattoos- I dig them on others. But they will never be my jam. I'm a huge needle-phobe not to mention a bit of a commitment-phobe so not gonna happen. But you should get one if you want.

Cause that's what's up this just doing me kind of Monday in the 718. Yours, in letting it all go. XO