Living my best hygge life (and you can too)

Hey, Thursday. How you livin'? It's cold in New York but I'm feeling cozy and living my best hygge life. For those of you not on the trend train, hygge is very much a thing right now (I mean if the NY Times says it)- it's a Danish word for those things that embody coziness- think warm cocoa, knit caps, fuzzy anything. Think of the embodiment of a good hug from a good friend. Or a hot cup of tea with lots of honey and lemon. Or warm chocolate cake. Or puppy breath. You get it. You get it. I know you do.

I've always been a cozy kind of chick. I love nesting at home, snuggling in, and feeling a chill in the air. So here's five of my favorite hygge like things I want and need right now to embrace all that is this lovely trend. Minimalists are cool and all, but I'm a cozy lady and that's that. I'm not great at super modern and spare, I'm not great at over the top and opulent, but I'm good at hygge. This much I know. Just come over and you'll see what I mean. 

Love this pullover from Free People. Nuzzle in to it and immediately cozy. So nice.

And if you're home chilling, you need pjs. I mean. Come on. I adore Sleepy Jones as you know and they embody hygge to the hilt. I love the men's flannel pjs for my own use- so great and on sale now on their site. Also cute are the long sleeved stripe tees and bottoms. 

On a whole other tip, I am in love with this rain cape from Japanese brand Postal Co. It's such a chic way to make a rainy day all the more comfy and cozy. And you can wear a great leather jacket underneath or big furry sweater. Love.

Oh and seriously we know a candle is a must for this trend to really hit home. I've always been a huge Diptyque Baies girl, but recently I've switched it up to Feu de Bois after buying one as a gift for a pal this holiday season. It is the epitome of firewood goodness. I love love love it and it's the best scent for cold nights curled up. If you don't have a fireplace, this scent will surely do the trick. 

Also, and I know I've posted these before, but these French wool striped slippers from Armor Lux are pretty much everything. Mine are worn and chewed and crazy looking but I adore them more each day. Perfection for padding around the house. I'm not one for socks per se so I love wearing slippers at home. 

So as the temps drop and the daylight gets spare, just get to creating some cozy in your life. I adore it. I'll do some more things I love for the home on another day but thought I would start with ways to embody the trend, with the candle as a great and easy start to channeling that excellent hygge goodness. Cause that's what's up this nesty Thursday in chilly New York. Yours, in free hugs and warm drinks. XO