La Fête National

Oh, you are.

It's July 14th, and Bastille Day in France. I remember a really lovely little celebration down the street from me in Soho, on Prince and Macdougal that was a lot of fun on the 14th. The place is no longer (quel horreur) but I am still all about paying tribute to those that storm large fortresses, fists raised, torches lit, and fire in bellies. But really, let's just salute our favorite French export, Marie Antoinette- a model citizen of decadence gone wrong, completely over the top, with an extensive wardrobe to match such a life. She would have been lovely to have around in the 80s. The 1980s that is.

So misunderstood, she of the sky high wig was. Apparently she never even said "Let them eat cake". But whether she did or didin't is no real matter- she was a fabulous temptress and out of control and something of a compulsive shopper. There's a little Marie in all of us gals, no? I've posted before about my obsession with Sofia Coppola's take on Marie, but here are some other fabulous pics from that excellent film that bears her name.

I'm also showing you these photos by Ellen Von Unwerth, who has always found a way to capture the modern day spirit of MA- naughty, girly, fluffy, pink, and lovely.  She also makes women look like dessert, does she not? Hope you enjoy.  They're very hot. And if you, like me, are not sitting in Paris and are sitting elsewhere throughout the world, it's no matter. Just channel a bit of the French spirit today- hope your day is as sweet as the below looks. Kisses and hugs and Vive La France! While you are getting in touch with your inner Marie, don't forget to fight the good fight today, either. Life's not just about wearing pretty dresses and eating cotton candy, you know. Just ask the French. And that's what's up this Francophilic Thursday in the very un French MIA. XO