Kickin' out the Jams

Hey, Friday...I'm saying prayers for all my pals in the Northeast, very hard to believe this Irene had no interest in Miami- it's bright sunshine here. Be safe, stock up on lots of water, and chips and salsa. And don't forget the wine. It's probably the most important thing to have on hand. Love you all...

In other news, I'm off to Detroit on Sunday for a week. I've wanted to go to D Rock for a hot minute now, and I'm excited to check out The Motor City. Pictured here are the MC5, Detroit's original punk sons (yea I know, Eminem and such) and a simply kick ass rock band. Kick out the jams, indeed. One of my favorite tracks of theirs.

And for all you typeheads out there, check out their super amazing logo. That's American engineering right there, that is. Rock and roll style of course.

To me, Detroit is punky, scrappy, and real. I have always felt sad that Detroit, arguably once a healthy city where things were made right here in the US of A, has had such a tough time. Perhaps that tide will turn, and the great Detroit will rise again. I'm looking forward to that. All of those pictures of urban decay are oddly beautiful, but at what cost? I've said forever that people need to move to that town and start making stuff again- whether it be art, clothes, or cars. Anything to help the cause, really.

And with that, I take my leave and start the weekend. Hope you all have a lovely one, and stay safe. Cause that's what's up this Fred "Sonic" Smith (who was coincidentally married to Patti Smith) of a Friday. Hope you'll be kickin' out those jams this weekend and beyond. I'm off to go make stuff. XO