In every great city, there is a great bookstore

Good morning, world. It's cloudy here in the motor city but admittedly this kind of weather is sexy to me. I love a good gloom from time to time, it turns me on in that it makes things fuzzy and slow and heavy, like a good Velvet Underground song. Sorry for the late post, internet creepy crawly at our location. Mies clearly was not planning on wifi amidst this stellar minimalism.

So Detroit has us all enraptured, thinking of all the things we could do here to make this amazing town rise again. I absolutely have faith in this town- it's a soulful and inspired city with all the potential you can imagine. And needless to say, much is already here that in no way needs improving. One of those places is John K. King bookstore, and no good city is without such a place.

You know the type- an amazing emporium (with a couple locations here in the city) with killer vinyl and books on everything you can imagine. My photographer (who is probably one of the most fascinating people on the planet) scored some great fashion books (Avedon and Cecil Beaton) for rock bottom prices. To me, the mark of a great city is a great bookstore (and good coffee, which Detroit has in spades), and this place does not disappoint. If I wasn't on set today, I most likely would be happily ensconced in King's today, poring through dusty old tomes and (hopefully) old garage rock on vinyl. I hope to steal away for a few moments later to do just that.

There's nothing better than a good bookstore- the smell, the vibe, the mystery of finding something really special. I'm hopelessly gaga for such places, and if you are in a city that is the real deal, surely you have such a place that makes your heart happy as well. If you come here, check this place out. It's pretty fabulous.

And that's what's up this page turner of a Wednesday in the 248. All the love from D Rock. XO

Link to bookstore below: