I'm sick of extreme.

Good morning, Tuesday. I'm waiting for Comcast to come and see what's doing with my connection...it's wonky and takes forever to upload and download stuff so apologize for the lack of visual stimuli on my posts. I'm watching the Today Show and can't believe the story I just saw about a pregnant woman who won the Chicago Marathon, past her due date, and gave birth 7 hours later. Maybe my interweb connection is victim to what I've been thinking about of late- activity overload is alive and well and living in women like she of the beyond pregnant marathon run. Too. Much.

I'm sorry to say- that's just idiotic, or it is to me. What was she trying to prove? When are we going to stop being so alpha already? Why can't we just be pregnant, old, or chubby anymore? As a society, we are so focused on doing everything in a very extreme way- is it really so bad to just "be"? As someone who was more type "C+" growing up, I found adult life to often be challenging- and now, I'm one of them- trying to do everything, be everything, succeed, compete, top my personal best. Ach. In reality, i think I'd be happier chilling. I've become that girl who can't sit still, who can't watch a movie because my  mind won't shut off, who wakes up before most of the world to sit on a bike and spin to 80s classics. I make myself sick. I don't mean to be so self loathing, but when did everyone get so cuckoo, and how do I get off of this steroidal chain of type A madness? When did life get so bloody extreme? Is anyone else craving bon bons or is it just me?

I'm not saying the majority of pregnant women are going to want to run marathons at nine months, but now some preg chick in Wisconsin is watching stories like that, and planting seeds in her own alpha brain, and pretty soon a movement will form of pregnant chicks that run marathons and then give birth, and soon we will all be expected to do that. That's how sheep like we've all become.Sheep like in our thirst for persona best- when is just being ourselves good enough? I think everyone needs a day off, stat. Hey, marathon mom- you too. With all of this running, texting, multitasking, organic eating, we've all forgotten how to simply live. I'm sticking to that, though I can't guarantee I can follow my own advice. I've got a spin class to go to...

And that's what's up this sick of too muchTuesday in the MIA. XO