I so need a staff...or an army.

Sigh. Hi.

So I didn't post today because we're getting new floors put down in our bedrooms (hurrah) but had to move EVERYTHING out of our bedroom to accomplish said endeavor (booooo).

Needless to say, if you see me pop up on an episode of Hoarders surrounded by overpriced handbags and one too many vintage dresses splayed helter skelter on top of books with ironic titles and photos, well, you can say you knew me when...(shit, I am a pack rat, albeit a stylish one).

Too tired to continue...must go. Hubs and I are toast. Next time I am leaving this to the pros.  What kind of Passover is this- aren't I supposed to be reclining? Ugh. Talk to you tomorrow...night night, sweet people. XOXO