Hey, Men...Women don't want your naked pictures...

Hiya, Thursday. I have loads to do but will make this brief- Anthony Weiner is kaput, according to a Huff Post headline a few moments ago. I'm not sure how he could be so stupid, but damned if now is not an excellent time to make a living in PR...

Anyway, let me be blunt. I am not sure if you men realize this, but very few of us like a full frontal photo of your parts. It's true we love a sexy bare chest, but have some bottoms on- they can be boxer briefs, Levis (preferred), or shorts. But honestly, we do love you and think you're hot but what makes you think we need to see that? I know it's a different story when it comes to women- you'd love to see us nekkid, any chance you get..but in my mind, Anthony Weiner is unattractive to begin with, so why on Earth would anyone want to see him naked? Is it me? Am I getting old? Back me up here, girls. We love men and we love their bodies, but are somehow not turned on by nude photos. They are no bueno. Can I speak for y'all? Can I?

Sure it looks like he spends lots of time doing P90X, or American Psycho style crunches, perhaps listening to Huey Lewis or Phil Collins. But Anthony,  a jacket is required. Or something...please. Ick. Early in the career of yours truly, I interviewed at Playgirl to be assistant to the publisher and PR assistant. I looked at loads of pics of man parts and decided this was not a gig for me, perhaps only on an empty stomach. There were shots of twins, farm boys, city guys, romance novel types- all with an endowment of epic proportion. Still, I was not impressed, though the thought of producing these kind of shoots had appeal for a minute or two. Or maybe I just wanted to piss off mom and dad, or have a chapter in my memoirs devoted to my life in the c*ck trade. (I ended up in advertising instead...)

I have loads more to say about men behaving badly, etc. but everybody else has already said it. I'm not hatin' on the male physique, but clearly these power men don't realize that most women don't like those kind of saucy photos. We like photos of you on the beach, maybe hanging on your balcony, chillin' with your dog. Whatever...but this? Ick again. I do like the David statue though, captured in marble by Michelangelo is ok, I  suppose. I'll let it slide..

That's my take...I gots work to do so gotta go. My message for you today is: keep it in your pants, boys. At least when it comes to photos...

And that's what's up (or now down) this keepin' it under wraps Thursday in the MIA. XO