Helping me, helping you

Good morning, Wednesday.

It's a beautiful day and I'm looking forward to a long weekend.

So it occurred to me in CVS last night that whenever anyone asks me if I need help, I find myself feeling blank, but ready to unleash all of the things I need help with, which are vast. Yesterday was a long day full of dings and I was feeling so tired when the CVS greeter (we have those in Cobble Hill for some reason) asked me point blank, "do you need any help?"

It was unwarranted and unsolicited. But it was a nice question to ask after a day like yesterday. I feel that I have a problem in not wanting to or being able to ask for help when I need it. I'm sure you can relate- it's not something that comes naturally to all of us. I'm a major fixer and hate not being able to do everything myself. But damn if it wasn't nice having a complete stranger ask me, even though it was intended to assist me in my search for cough drops or body wash vs. how to solve my existential crisis. Regardless, I'll take help where I can get it. And I was grateful that someone even asked. 

What struck me is how infrequently we ask the people we care about, work with, and play with that question. Because it doesn't hurt to ask, and although we are all wound in our own tight little ropes these days, surely we can find it within our hearts to ask how we can help, even if the response is met with an eyebrow raise or shrug.  And if you need my help, all you have to do is ask. It's tough to do, but I'm a big believer that asking for help not only benefits you, it benefits the person you ask, who is a better person for bringing some compassion into the world by honoring your request. 

Cause that's what's up this help me if you can Wednesday in the 212. And I do appreciate you bein' round. Here's to better customer service.  XO