Happy 4th, Friends...


Good morning, Friday...'tis the 4th of July weekend and many of us are looking forward to a long weekend celebrating our many freedoms, our love for bbq, horseshoe games, and beer. I feel very lucky to live in this country, regardless of how completely insane things have become...I realize living here is still a privilege, regardless of the economy, the wars, and Charlie Sheen. I still believe we can. Call me crazy...

I myself am going off the grid this weekend, needing some down time and a much needed shut down...I hope wherever you are, you are celebrating your heritage or at least enjoying some sunshine with friends and family and loved ones. May you light up the sky with positive vibes. Boom.

All the love- enjoy your freedom this weekend. Cause that's what's up this constitutional right of a Friday in the MIA. Happy 4th, friends. I've posted the below photo of the gorgeous Kate Bosworth at Coachella before, but take some cues from her this weekend for a sexy all American look wherever you go. XO