Give Someone a Compliment Today...

Hi, Thursday...closing in on the weekend, listening to Sinatra, and having a relatively good hair day so all is well.

So, check it. I have a friend who I have known for what seems like hundreds of years who I happen to adore. She's a fun and naughty woman with a spectacular wit and great style. We have a lot of fun together, probably more fun than we should. But there's one thing about her that I don't suffer well, and that is, the girl can never give a compliment. Perhaps she does to others, but never, ever to me.

It doesn't matter what I'm wearing, she simply can't bring herself to compliment me. And I find it irksome as I am the kind of girl who freely tells people how much I love their new haircut, how skinny they are getting, or how beautiful their bag is. I do this to complete strangers all the time. Because I know that when you're standing in line at Starbucks, and somebody tells you they love your dress, it makes you feel tops. Don't underestimate the power of a compliment- it goes a long way and when you give one to strangers, it falls very nicely into that random acts of kindness box that we all need to check off way more often.

And men, even if you are married to us, living with us, or dying with us, it never hurts to acknowledge our new highlights, our new gardenia scented fragrance, or how pretty our eyes look today, especially when we don't even have makeup on. And ladies, the same goes for you with your guys- they like to hear that their ass looks nice in their pants, too or that they make you laugh more than anyone on the planet, or some such. Trust me, I know these things.

And on that note, I'm giving you a challange today. Find at least one person, a perfect stranger or otherwise, and give them a compliment. I promise you it goes a long way- Lord knows if you work in most industries these days, you're not in a culture of praise, so heap some on to someone today. They will warm. Of this I am sure.

As for all of you out there on the interwebs reading this right the heck now, well here's one for YOU and you and you. You are all hot, sexy, stylish, witty geniuses. There, I've said it. Now go for yours.

Cause that's what's up this and the way you look tonight of a Thursday in the 305. XO