Fuck Resolutions. Let's Dance.

Well hi, fine and foxy people of Earth and beyond. I am hanging in and
counting down till 2011 and looking forward to it all. I'm not
interested in making any resolutions- it never works out and only leads to
more indulgence, as a sort of middle finger to unrealistic goal setting. We
all want to lose 10 pounds, stop smoking, and stop drinking, unless of
course you're a saint, and a skinny one at that. All of that is well and
good, but let's agree on one thing- JUST HAVE FUN. And start tonight- smoke,
drink, eat- all of it. Oh and dance, wherever you are at midnight tonight
cut a rug for crying out loud.

For inspiration, I offer these photos of some glammed out people getting
their freak on. Worry about the rest tomorrow. Or don't- cause I'm not
sweatin' the resos this year. I'm just gonna do my thing and be happy.

Happiest of new years to you and yours- big ups and much love to you...see
you in the new year. Now let's dance.

And that's what's up this eve of newness in the 305. XO